MSM: Only morons, cheats and liars still believe in Man-Made Global Warming

(Telegraph) – Well of course I would write a headline like that having just spent the last three days in Chicago at the Heartland Institute’s 4th International Conference on Climate Change. This is the event the cackling, cloak-wearing, befanged AGW-denying community attends every year to glorify in their own evil. And naturally, in the wake of Climategate, a mood of uproarious triumphalism has prevailed as distinguished skeptical scientists, economists, and policymakers from around the world – Pat Michaels, Richard Lindzen, Ian Plimer, Bob Carter, Fred Singer.. you name them, they’re here – have gathered to dance on the smouldering ashes of the mythical beast ManBearPig. Continue reading

MSM: Interview with Defense Expert P.W. Singer ‘The Soldiers Call It War Porn’

(Spiegel) – US defense expert P.W. Singer from the Brookings Institution talks to SPIEGEL ONLINE about the stresses that drone pilots are subjected to and the risk of emotional exhaustion and burnout. The whole experience of war is being changed by the new technology, he argues.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. Singer, are drones becoming the new form of combat?

P.W. Singer: Until recently, people looked at this as something abnormal. But drones and robotic warfare in general are actually the new normal now. We’ve gone from using a handful of these systems to now having around 7,000 in the air. And the US is not the only country flying them. There are drones from 43 other countries, including Great Britain, Germany and Pakistan. Continue reading

2008 Financial Collapse: The Greatest Calamity The World Has Ever Known – Robert Singer

The year is 2010 and to anyone not in denial, the industrialized nations have entered the greatest calamity the world has ever known:

  • 35 Million Americans on Food Stamps: 12 Percent of U.S. Population on Food Stamps Highest Since Records Kept in 1969, and that’s before the Obama administration announced a planned three-year budget freeze on government discretionary spending. (My Budget 360)
  • 18 Million empty houses in the United States and 39 million Americans who are no longer working or looking for work, and that’s before Federal Reserve finishes rewriting the rules of American “capitalism” as US Housing, the Automobile Industry and the American Dream are dismantled. (The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M., David E. Sanger)

Continue reading

Is There a Mandatory Vaccine Law in Oklahoma?

Maybe not.
It doesn’t really matter this is the chance of a lifetime to demonstrate the Power of Community. Continue reading

Waking up the Huddled Masses (Some Humor) – Robert Singer

(Robert Singer) – 9/11 Truthers have you thought about what will happen when the US population “wakes up” from their delusion and demands the criminals be brought to justice? What exactly do you think will happen? Continue reading

Exclusive: Posts, blogs and comments just don’t disappear. Posts, blogs and comments are scrubbed…from the Internet – Robert Singer

(Robert Singer) – The “predators of data freedom” were stalking the Internet before 9/11 but after the alleged “Arab terrorist” attack their chutzpah seems to have no limits. Continue reading

The Future of Silver – TELEPATHIC interview with Adam Smith – Robert Singer

(MarketOracle) – Robert Singer, recently proclaimed a Junior Mogambo Ranger (JMR) interviews Adam Smith, telepathically. I got out my new Matrix Mind-ray Scanner, delivered before The Sharper Image and our way of life filed for bankruptcy and Googled “who is the founding father of economics”. Results: Richard Cantillon, Alexander Hamilton and Adam Smith. I never heard of Cantillion and Hamilton is the father of Crony Capitalism. I selected Adam Smith and set the device on “Interview” and typed Continue reading

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened – Robert Singer

Warning: Reading the following may be hazardous to your mental health. The material herein has caused readers to experience Cognitive Dissonance (CD). CD is the discomfort felt at the discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation that contradicts a strongly held belief system – It’s that queasy feeling that rises in your gut and screams, I DON’T BELIEVE THAT! Because, if you accepted the new information, you would have to admit you been ”had,” or ”conned,” in this case into shopping for stuff to trash the planet. Continue reading

An Economy in free fall, Why is the ANWR in this picture?

Skyrocketing gas prices and $142 for a barrel of oil was the price it took for Americans to cry “uncle” and give up their last Arctic Wilderness. It was long gas lines in 1973 (the Oil Embargo) when Americans authorized the 800 miles of Trans-Alaska Pipeline through some of the most pristine country in Alaska.

Putting aside common sense and the environmental alternatives, drilling to reduce the price and our dependence on foreign oil ignored the published estimates of the impacts of new oil from the ANWR. Continue reading

“I had a dream.” It was 2008 and Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States – Robert Singer

The world is engulfed in a global economic crisis of staggering ferocity rivaling four other financial meltdowns—which all began in the month of October. [1]

VP Biden and former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker don’t remember any time when things went down quite so fast, quite so uniformly around the world. The current crisis looks more like the collapse of the Soviet Union, on October 18, 1991, when Gorbachev signed an agreement forming a new economic community. Continue reading

The Monsanto Connection – Robert Singer

Monsanto is one of the most powerful multi-national corporations in the world. The Global One-World Government New World Order conspiracy, of which Monsanto is a part, is aimed at controlling millions via the food they eat. “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people,” said Henry Kissinger in 1970. Continue reading