Ominous Signs Are Aligned: Not A Particularly Good Sign (11-09) – Robert Singer

Ominous Signs Are Aligned: Not A Particularly Good Sign (11-09)

by Robert Singer

Recall the baffling news events from November 2009?

  • Is Doomsday Coming? Perhaps, but Not in 2012 [1]
  • Survey: Nearly half of adults don’t plan to get H1N1 vaccine
  • Fort Hood attack likely Islamist terrorism, Cornyn and Lieberman say Al-Qaeda still biggest threat to British security, says Gordon Brown
  • Al-Qaeda terrorists being trained in Pak: British PM
  • Governments are now lifting the restrictions and allowing their citizens to buy gold.
  • Backwardation in Gold & Silver – Tuesday 17th November 2009, Silver and mining stocks urge caution, but backwardation says gold’s run could continue…Gold Traders currently have their eye on two non-confirmations that so far have refused to “answer” gold’s push to new all time nominal highs, writes Gene Arensberg in his Got Gold report from Houston for the Gold Newsletter.

The following will help you understand what’s really going on:

Backwardation is The Powers That Be (TPTB) downward manipulating the precious metals and at the same time keeping investors from being wealthy when everyone else is out of work, out of hope and living in tent cities: This is a Neutral Sign. [2]

When TPTP can no longer keep the precious metals from taking off and the dollar from landing at zero, look out, Mad Max and the breakdown of society is around the corner. Continue reading

Video: Fkn Newz – Economy Too Weak To XXXX Peasants

WARNING: Explicit Content
FKN Newz live at Edinburgh Festival – August 16th, 2009 Continue reading

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened – Robert Singer

Warning: Reading the following may be hazardous to your mental health. The material herein has caused readers to experience Cognitive Dissonance (CD). CD is the discomfort felt at the discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation that contradicts a strongly held belief system – It’s that queasy feeling that rises in your gut and screams, I DON’T BELIEVE THAT! Because, if you accepted the new information, you would have to admit you been ”had,” or ”conned,” in this case into shopping for stuff to trash the planet. Continue reading

The Best President Money Could Buy

Our brand of capitalism relies on prolific consumerism as a means to globalization, where needs are created and where everything and everyone is for sale. We tend to sell the public various goods, services, people, politicians, Presidents, and even God for the right price. Continue reading

Silver, but no Silver Lining – Robert Singer

As the financial collapse gathers steam, gold and silver oracles who have been predicting for years the launch of the price of silver to the moon will see their prophecy fulfilled, but a celebration is not in order. Being wealthy during the last 60 years of unprecedented prosperity at the expense of the Third World and the environment is one thing, but profiting from silver when millions are starving is quite another. Continue reading

Video: “Worst Is Yet to Come” – Americans’ Standard of Living Permanently Changed

There’s no question the American consumer is hurting in the face of a burst housing bubble, financial market meltdown and rising unemployment.

But “the worst is yet to come,” according to Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidowitz & Associates, who believes American’s standard of living is undergoing a “permanent change” – and not for the better Continue reading

MSM: It’s Not Going to Be OK

The daily bleeding of thousands of jobs will soon turn our economic crisis into a political crisis. The street protests, strikes and riots that have rattled France, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Iceland will descend on us. It is only a matter of time. And not much time. When things start to go sour, when Barack Obama is exposed as a mortal waving a sword at a tidal wave, the United States could plunge into a long period of precarious social instability.

Continue reading

American Brains are Doped up with Ignorance and Greed

When a white army battles Indians and wins, it is called a great victory, but if they lose it is called a massacre.-Chiksika, Shawnee.

American Indian activist Russell Means said President Obama was selected by the colonial powers as president to improve the US image globally in the aftermath of George Bush. Further, Means said Obama’s appointments show that he is a Zionist controlled by Israel. Speaking on Red Town Radio today, Means said what is happening now to Palestinians is what happened to American Indians. Continue reading

The final shoe on American consumerism is about to fall

America’s bedraggled, debt slave consumers are about to reap the final whirlwind which will finally unwind what is left of their consumer materialist society. This final shoe will come in the form of the cheaply made and cheap priced and often poisonous Chinese consumer goods. It is these very goods that not only have stuffed American households in a gluttony of soulless, Christless consumerism but have equally driven those same mindless consumers out of their middle class manufacturing jobs and into the lower class that make up the vast vast masses of service sector jobs. Continue reading

Video: Consumerism vs Sustainability

Many big ideas have struggled over the centuries to dominate the planet – fascism, communism, democracy, religion. Yet only one has achieved global supremacy – consumerism. Is our consumption consuming us? Continue reading