Goldman Sachs Raking in Massive Profits

Due to the fact that Goldman Sachs is currently the favorite of Washington they are raking in massive profits during a time when most banks and brokerage firms are struggling for survival. Continue reading

The Best President Money Could Buy

Our brand of capitalism relies on prolific consumerism as a means to globalization, where needs are created and where everything and everyone is for sale. We tend to sell the public various goods, services, people, politicians, Presidents, and even God for the right price. Continue reading

We have created a monster … banks with access to public funds

The government doesn’t want to admit this because it is banking on our flexible friend, inflation, to come along and pay off the debt for it. The Bank of England is in the process of effectively printing billions of pounds through Quantitative Easing, which will have the effect of undermining the purchasing power of the pound. Continue reading

Global Food Prices are Rising Fast

As much as I hate to rain on the deflation parade, I must point out that food inflation is increasing worldwide. It seems that food prices are unaware that they should be falling, because they are instead rising fast all around the world. Continue reading

Where Inflation Came From – Paul Craig Roberts

October 20, 2008 – Anyone who has been alive very long is aware that the US government has failed on the inflation front. Soft drink machines that once delivered a bottled drink for a nickel now charge a dollar, a twenty- fold increase in price. Continue reading