MSM: Big Brother facial recognition cameras being rolled out in NCP car parks

(MailOnline) – Cutting-edge cameras will scan drivers’ faces and check them against a crime database as they enter car parks, it emerged last night.

NCP, which is trialling the system at 40 sites, hopes it will help identify potential car thieves.

But privacy campaigners reacted with fury, saying the technology could criminalise innocent people. Read More Here

Video: Kalid Sheikh Mohammed – Guilty Until Proven Innocent With Torture – Brian Romanoff

(NorCalTruth) – Robert Gibbs was on MSNBC recently and spoke about alleged 9/11 hijacker Kalid Sheikh Mohammed. No matter where the trial is held,  “he is likely to be executed” Gibbs said. Unfortunately, legal concepts like ”innocent until proven guilty” are a far cry from even our highest officials minds. Continue reading

Why 911 Truth Matters

Consider murder mystery novels, TV forensic dramas, sensational news stories, and political murder (assassination). Discovering and prosecuting the guilty, “bringing them to justice” is the goal. Exploring and analyzing antecedents and psychopathology may be undertaken by a few, typically writers and intellectuals. When noticed at all by the public, such critics tend to be summarily marginalized as apologists. Continue reading

MSM: Police ‘violating human rights’ by using DNA of innocent

(Times) – Ministers must instruct police forces to stop taking the DNA of innocent people, the Equality and Human Rights Commission said.
The watchdog warns that advice issued by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) to continue adding new samples of innocent people to the database violates people’s human rights.

Continue reading

Video: Fkn Newz – Economy Too Weak To XXXX Peasants

WARNING: Explicit Content
FKN Newz live at Edinburgh Festival – August 16th, 2009 Continue reading

Police State Measures in the UK: Police ‘arrest innocent youths for their DNA’, officer claims

Officers are targeting children as young as 10 with the aim of placing their DNA profiles on the national database to improve their chances of solving crimes, it is claimed. Continue reading

Video: Over 120 innocent Afghan civilians were massacred by US bombardment

Warning – Explicit Content

Over 120 innocent civilians, many of them women and children, were massacred when US war planes bombed villages of Gerani and Gangabad in Bala Baluk district of Farah Province on May 5, 2009. Continue reading