Is There a Mandatory Vaccine Law in Oklahoma?

Maybe not.
It doesn’t really matter this is the chance of a lifetime to demonstrate the Power of Community.

The really inconvenient truth for The Powers That Be (TPTB) is this: The 600 detention centers built by the Halliburton subsidiary KBR do not have the capacity to hold even 1 million Americans who refuse to be killed by the swine flu vaccination let alone the 44 million that are currently out of home out of work and out of hope.

TPTB have been playing this game for a very long time.

It would be foolish to think they do not control the opposition.

Any disinformation in the video could be used at a later time to cast doubt on the real and present danger of mass vaccination.

“Quit worrying about Oklahoma and Massachusetts passing laws that make it mandatory to take the vaccinations.”

Let them try to fine and jail Americans that will not agree to be killed by the Swine Flu vaccination.

If enough of us work together we can show them who has the Power.

Don’t get Mad get Organized.

I am writing on how to Organize as we speak.


More articles by Robert Singer

3 thoughts on “Is There a Mandatory Vaccine Law in Oklahoma?

  1. We need to get in their face (TPTB) now and make an issue of our objection to
    these killer vacines and their plans to make them manditory.

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