Video: Webster Tarpley On The Draconian Internet Takeover

(RussiaToday) – Webster Tarpley on Google’s announcement that it will tighten its relationship with the NSA and how this is another leap forward in the agenda to take over and regulate the free Internet under the cover of fighting foreign cyber spies in China and Russia.

One thought on “Video: Webster Tarpley On The Draconian Internet Takeover

  1. And RACIST, ARROGANT, GREEDY, EGOTISTICAL, SELF-AGGRANDISING AMERICANS will let it happen – especially the Bible-toting morons supporting our BOUGHT Congress, Palin an that MORON Bachman (R-6th. District, MN)!

    America’s become a nation of gun-packing COWARDS when it comes to taking down the thugs, liars, theives and President-Murderers ruining and running this sorry-ass nation. Don’ they give a damn about the rotten Future they’re giving their kids? Heck no! ‘Gimme another cold one, my Big Screen and my remote!

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