MSM: Latvian hacker tweets hard on banking whistle

(BBC) – A hacker has become a popular hero in the Baltics, and scourge to the authorities, by leaking information on the finances of banks and state-run firms to Latvian TV. Continue reading

MSM: Cyber attacks enter new phase

(Telegraph) – Cyber attacks will enter a new phase and targeting personal computers and wiping out hard drives in the coming days, a South Korean government agency has warned. Continue reading

U.S. Cyberattack Console Aims to Turn Grunts into Hackers

The U.S. military is putting together a suite of hacking tools that could one day make breaking into networks as easy for the average grunt as kicking down a door. Continue reading

Neurological Warfare & United States Experiments

I am a targeted individual (TI) whose surveillance goes back three decades and whose covert electronic stalking and mind control (ESMC) experiences began in the 1990’s. However, I did not fully realize that I had been targeted until December, 2005. Since the latter date, I have kept a detailed journal of the effects of the electronic and psychological torture and my empirical thoughts about them. Those notes now comprise five volumes of journals, totaling over eight hundred pages of single-spaced typescript.

I recently wrote an article called Mind Control and Law Enforcement Complicity, in which I state that the U. S. intelligence community and law enforcement in general must either conduct the electronic stalking and mind control (ESMC) activities or knowingly aid and protect the organizations that do so. ESMC activities simply cannot be conducted without the knowledge and acquiescence of U. S. intelligence. Period. Continue reading