MSM: Special Report – U.S. shifts gears to tackle homespun terrorism

(Reuters) – At a recent congressional hearing on homespun terrorism, Indiana Representative Mark Souder tore into a little-known Los Angeles County sheriff named Lee Baca. Read More Here

Let Us Not Become the Evil We Deplore – Amy Goodman

On Sept. 14, 2001, the U.S. House of Representatives considered House Joint Resolution 64, “To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.” The wounds of 9/11 were raw, and the lust for vengeance seemed universal. Continue reading

Video: Fort Lee Troops And Police Take On Protesters in “Anti-Terrorism” Drill

Soldiers teamed up with police at Fort Lee, Virginia this week for a three day long “anti-terrorism drill” that involved defending themselves from actors playing the part of “agitated” protesters. Continue reading

Fort Lee training exercise deals with mock protesters

(RichmondTimes) – Motorists along state Route 36 just outside Fort Lee slowed down yesterday morning to take a peek at the soldiers in full gear guarding the main gate. Continue reading

MSM: Cyber attacks enter new phase

(Telegraph) – Cyber attacks will enter a new phase and targeting personal computers and wiping out hard drives in the coming days, a South Korean government agency has warned. Continue reading

Hawaii Gov. Says WHO May Go to Level 6 this Weekend

The Associated Press is reporting Hawaii governor Linda Lingle as saying the World Health Organization is considering raising the pandemic alert level to phase 6, the highest level indicating a global outbreak of the swine flu. Lingle said she discussed the alert level with federal and state health officials on Friday. Continue reading

Guilty of Being Poor

The jailers of the 19th century – even in the pre-Civil War South – largely abandoned the practice of imprisoning people for falling into debt as counterproductive and ultimately barbaric. In the 1970s and ’80s, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that incarcerating people who can’t pay fines because of poverty violates the U.S. Constitution. Continue reading

‘Bail-out working people – Not the Banks’

A Powerful Model for Public Action

A large-scale ‘Bail-out working people – Not the Banks’ teach-in’ and mass mobilization planning meeting’ scheduled for San Francisco May 9 is a hopeful harbinger of things to come.. Continue reading

Video: Truckers Unwittingly Used to Transport Dangerous Avian Flu Materials?

Information has been provided to us by a Natural Solutions Foundation supporter who lives in the region in which she has gathered the information that you can read below. It is highly disturbing, not only because of the contents of the information but because without further data, it is impossible to determine what it means. Continue reading