US ’sham’ bank bail-outs enrich speculators

The US Treasury’s effort to stabilise the banking system through the TARP programme is a hopelessly ill-conceived policy that enriches speculators at public expense, according to the buy-out firm supposed to be pioneering the joint public-private bank rescues. Continue reading

‘Bail-out working people – Not the Banks’

A Powerful Model for Public Action

A large-scale ‘Bail-out working people – Not the Banks’ teach-in’ and mass mobilization planning meeting’ scheduled for San Francisco May 9 is a hopeful harbinger of things to come.. Continue reading

MSM: Obama Appointee Suggests Radical Plan for Newspaper Bailout

Rosa Brooks, who has moved from the L.A. Times to the Pentagon, called for more “direct government support for public media” and government licensing of the news, which critics say would destroy the independent media. Continue reading

Obama Appointee Wants Soviet-styled Media

It’s bad enough the Obama administration has pledged trillions to “bailout” the bankers and has made moves to control business in the private sector. Now they want a Soviet-styled media financed and run by the government. Continue reading

Regulators say they made fateful mistakes

Three current and former financial regulators told Congress on Thursday that they made fateful mistakes that helped drive the global financial system to the brink of disaster, and urged Congress to fill the regulatory gaps.
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Ron Paul – Sickness Unto Debt

One of the burning questions regarding the recently passed bailout, and the one that almost no one has bothered to answer, is how the government intends to pay for it. Governments have three main methods by which they can raise funds: taxation, printing new money, and debt. As our $10 trillion national debt shows, the federal government has always enjoyed raising money by issuing new debt. Money is gained upfront, while the cost of repaying that debt is pushed onto future generations.
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Can Congress Bail Out of the Bailout?

We are now entering the financial End Time.

Bailout “Plan A” (buy the junk mortgages) has failed, “Plan B” (buy ersatz stocks in the banks to recapitalize them without wiping out current mismanagers) is fizzling, and the debts still can’t be paid.

That is the reality Wall Street avoids confronting.
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Bare-Assed Naked in a Pig Skin Suit

For quite some time I’ve been saying here and elsewhere that those responsible for the problems of our time are going to be exposed and hung out to dry. It’s a given that most people wouldn’t understand how this could be possible when those responsible control the media that manufactures both the news and the viewpoints which are spoon fed to the public. It seems even more impossible when the foxes run the chicken house as their own poultry farm and when the laws that were designed to protect the public have been suspended or re-engineered to the point where they look like Michael Jackson’s face. Continue reading

Bailout marks Karl Marx’s comeback

In his Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, Karl Marx proposed 10 measures to be implemented after the proletariat takes power, with the aim of centralizing all instruments of production in the hands of the state. Proposal Number Five was to bring about the “centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.”
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You won’t believe where that $700-billion bailout figure came from “We just wanted to choose a really large number.”

Here’s something that John McCain and Barack Obama and Sarah Palin and even longtime Washingtonian Joe Biden probably don’t know. Not to mention Bob Barr, Ralph Nader and Ron Paul, who usually knows everything.

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Action Alert – You MUST reject the Paulson/Bernanke plan

Action Alert
Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

“Dear Senator/Representative:

You MUST reject the Paulson/Bernanke plan for bailing out and propping up reckless banks at taxpayer expense.  This is madness to ask us, the taxpayers, to cover the liabilities of Wall Street. We are tired of being fleeced.  If you vote to support this plan, I will do everything in my power to remove you from office before you can give away any more of our money to failed businessmen.

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