Ahmadinejad Says Clinton Not Taken Seriously In Iran

(PressTV) – Iran on Tuesday dismissed remarks by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who claimed the country was drifting toward a military dictatorship before the world’s eyes.
“That is how we see it,” Mrs. Clinton said in a televised meeting of students at a university in Doha, Qatar. “We see that the government of Iran — the supreme leader, the president, the parliament — is being supplanted and that Iran is moving toward a military dictatorship.”
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Turkey’s PM calls on world to rescue Palestinians from Israeli siege

(WorldBulletin) – Erdogan called on the developed world to rescue 1.5 mln-Gazans from Israeli aggressions and siege, ending human tragedy in the land. Continue reading

MSM: US raises stakes on Iran by sending in ships and missiles

(Guardian) – Tension between the US and Iran heightened dramatically today with the disclosure that Barack Obama is deploying a missile shield to protect American allies in the Gulf from attack by Tehran. Continue reading

Is the Dollar Heading Up Or Down?

Arguments for a Long-Term Devaluation of the Dollar
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know that the dollar is losing its status as world reserve currency. Continue reading

MSM: The demise of the dollar

(Independent) – In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading Continue reading

CIA collusion with “Al Qaeda” financiers and attack planners

We have learned from an intelligence source from a NATO country that elements of the CIA have coordinated their activities with top Gulf state officials who have been connected to “Al Qaeda” networks that have planned and financed various terrorist attacks. Continue reading

US Colonel Advocates US ‘Military Attacks’ on ‘Partisan Media’ in Essay for Neocon, Pro-Israel Group JINSA

In the era of embedded media, independent journalists have become the eyes and ears of the world. Without those un-embedded journalists willing to risk their lives to place themselves on the other side of the barrel of the tank or the gun or under the airstrikes, history would be written almost entirely from the vantage point of powerful militaries, or—at the very least—it would be told from the perspective of the troops doing the shooting, rather than the civilians who always pay the highest price. Continue reading

US ’sham’ bank bail-outs enrich speculators

The US Treasury’s effort to stabilise the banking system through the TARP programme is a hopelessly ill-conceived policy that enriches speculators at public expense, according to the buy-out firm supposed to be pioneering the joint public-private bank rescues. Continue reading

MSM: Report – Iran deploys missiles in Persian Gulf

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have begun deploying mobile launchers for surface-to-air and surface-to-sea missiles in the Strait of Hurmuz and other areas in the Gulf, it has been revealed. Continue reading

MSM: Natural gas giants Russia, Iran and Qatar discuss forming OPEC-style cartel

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) _ Russia, Iran and Qatar made the first serious moves Tuesday toward forming an OPEC-style cartel on natural gas, raising concerns that Moscow could boost its influence over energy markets spanning from Europe to South Asia.

Such an alliance would have little direct impact on the United States, which imports virtually no natural gas from Russia or the other nations.
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