MSM: The facial recognition software that will put a name to every photograph in the internet

(MailOnline) – A software company is developing revolutionary software which provides the ability to identify people from photographs posted on the internet. has produced technology that can identify individuals on social networking sites and online galleries by comparing their image against a known picture of them.

It means detailed profiles of individuals can be built up purely from online photographs and critics have said it could lead to exploitation by employers. Read More Here

Australian Government To Force Internet Users To Install State-Approved Software

(PaulWatson) – The Australian government is set to intensify its war against Internet freedom by forcing web users to install state-approved anti-virus software. If they fail to do so, they will be denied an Internet connection, or if their computer is later infected, the user’s connection will be terminated.

“AUSTRALIANS would be forced to install anti-virus and firewall software on their computers before being allowed to connect to the internet under a new plan to fight cyber crime. And if their computer did get infected, internet service providers like Telstra and Optus could cut off their connection until the problem was resolved,” reports

A 260-page report released by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications outlines a plan to mandate Internet users to install government-approved software before their Internet connection can be activated. Continue reading

Can IBM car technology pose threat to gun rights?

(Examiner) – IBM has hacked into a car. Now the multinational technology giant has applied for a patent to “manag[e] engines in response to a traffic signal.”


If you’re crawling through traffic in 2025 and approach a traffic light, IBM hopes it will be able to take control of your car.

And according to the patent, you won’t be able to go again until it lets you.

…With a laptop and customised software called CarShark, the researchers disabled the brakes of a regular family car and switched its engine off – while it was moving.

Naturally, there’s “good” reason given for doing this. In a word: “safety.”

It seems to be the standard excuse for giving up all kinds of freedom to government control these days. Continue reading

The Big Lie of Economics – How “Mort-Gage’ Interest Creates a Death-Gamble

All Economics is based on the false premise that “interest fights inflation” when the truth is that “interest causes inflation.” Almost everyday in every financial story of every newspaper and radio or television program, it is repeated over and over the interest fights inflation. They all agree that interest causes unemployment but all have been conditioned to believe that it is necessary to fight inflation. “Inflation is coming so we’ll have to raise interest rates” is hypnotically chanted like a mantra. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} – The Technological Enslavement System

Alex opens the new year with a story on Microsoft’s attemps to get a patent on their new office ‘spy’ software. Continue reading

NaturalNews Calls for Boycott on Kindle, iPhone and Other Big Brother DRM Technologies

(NaturalNews) – Two weeks ago when remotely deleted copies of books that customers had purchased for their Kindle devices, it was a wake-up call for many consumer. “Huh? They can delete stuff I already bought?” Welcome to the world of DRM technology. Continue reading

MSM: Cyber attacks enter new phase

(Telegraph) – Cyber attacks will enter a new phase and targeting personal computers and wiping out hard drives in the coming days, a South Korean government agency has warned. Continue reading

MSM: China moves to censor home computers

(Telegraph) – The Chinese government wants all computers sold in China after July to come with software that automatically censors the internet. Continue reading

Sarkozy’s Secret Plan for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination

The French Government is developing secret plans to impose mandatory vaccination of the entire French population, allegedly against possible Swine Flu disease according to reports leaked in a French newspaper. The plan is without precedent and even defies recommended public health advice. Continue reading

U.S. Cyberattack Console Aims to Turn Grunts into Hackers

The U.S. military is putting together a suite of hacking tools that could one day make breaking into networks as easy for the average grunt as kicking down a door. Continue reading

Study: US Air Traffic Control Vulnerable to Cyberattack

U.S. air traffic control systems are at high risk of attack due to their links to insecure Web applications run by aviation authorities around the country, according to a U.S. Department of Transportation audit. Continue reading

MSM: Microsoft Cuts 5,000 Jobs as Recession Curbs Growth (Update4)

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) — Microsoft Corp. will cut as many as 5,000 jobs, the first companywide firings in its 34-year history, and said sales and profit will probably drop as the recession eats into software demand. The stock fell the most in 33 months. Continue reading