MSM: Two thousand schoolgirls suffer suspected ill-effects from cervical cancer vaccine

(Telegraph) – Thousands of schoolgirls have suffered suspected adverse reactions to a controversial cervical cancer vaccine introduced by the Government. Continue reading

MSM: Swine flu vaccine plan in disarray

(SydneyHerald) – The Federal Government’s plan to immunise the population against swine flu is in chaos because insurers may not cover doctors who administer the jab. Continue reading

Exclusive: Most GPs may reject swine flu vaccine

Up to 60% of GPs may choose not to be vaccinated against swine flu, with many concerned about the safety of the vaccine, a GP newspaper survey suggests. Continue reading

Schools Set To Become Mass Swine Flu Vaccination Clinics

“Highly likely” that large scale operations will be implemented in US and UK Continue reading

MSM: WHO backs anti-diarrhoea vaccine

(BBC) – The World Health Organization says a vaccine which can prevent a diarrhoea and vomiting virus should be given to all children as a routine vaccination. Continue reading

Sarkozy’s Secret Plan for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination

The French Government is developing secret plans to impose mandatory vaccination of the entire French population, allegedly against possible Swine Flu disease according to reports leaked in a French newspaper. The plan is without precedent and even defies recommended public health advice. Continue reading