MSM: One in five Californians say they need mental health care

(LATimes) – Almost 5 million California adults say they could use help with a mental or emotional problem, according to a survey released Wednesday by researchers at UCLA. About 1 million of them meet the criteria for “serious psychological distress.”

However, only one in three people who perceive a need for mental health services or are in serious distress have seen a professional for treatment, the survey found. Read More Here

Health News

(BMJ) – Video: Conflicts of Interest – WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”

Key scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an influenza pandemic had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they were preparing. These conflicts of interest have never been publicly disclosed by WHO, and WHO has dismissed inquiries into its handling of the A/H1N1 pandemic as “conspiracy theories.” Deborah Cohen and Philip Carter investigate Video Link Here

(Telegraph) – California to ban plastic bags

California is to become the first US state to ban plastic bags in supermarkets in a move Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called a “great victory for the environ Read More Here

(ABCNews) – More Teens May Be Getting High off Prescription Drugs

One high school student in five has taken a prescription drug without a doctor’s order, according to a nationwide survey. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers – Mike Adams

A stunning new report reveals that top scientists who convinced the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare H1N1 a global pandemic held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines. This report, published in the British Medical Journal, exposes the hidden ties that drove WHO to declare a pandemic, resulting in billions of dollars in profits for vaccine manufacturers. Read More Here

(TheNation) – The Secret History of Lead

The next time you pull the family barge in for a fill-up, check it out: The gas pumps read “Unleaded.” You might reasonably suppose this is because naturally occurring lead has been thoughtfully removed from the gasoline. But you would be wrong. There is no lead in gasoline unless somebody puts it there. And, a little more than seventy-five years ago, some of America’s leading corporations–General Motors, Du Pont and Standard Oil of New Jersey (known nowadays as Exxon)–were that somebody. They got together and put lead, a known poison, into gasoline, for profit. Read More Here


(May 4) – Video: Greg Palast Tells How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece on Alex Jones Tv – Part 1 HerePart 2

(CNNMoney) – More than 80% of school districts to cut jobs – Read More Here

(LATimes) – Plunge in state revenue dashes hopes of an easy budget fix

Legislators were hoping revenue would continue to exceed projections, forestalling deeper cuts and further tax hikes. But April’s total was 30% below what was expected, leaving them with few options. Read More Here

(MyBudget360) – Middle class getting pushed into poverty and working poor status – The cloaked recovery for the middle class. How 30 percent of the poor are unemployed

Over 6.5 million of the 15 million unemployed Americans have been out of work for 27 weeks or more. As a percent, this is the highest number of long-term unemployed we have had since the Great Depression. Read More Here

(LRC) – The Rich Continue To Use Government To Cut Out Their Competition – Read More Here

(Guardian) – Greek protesters storm the Acropolis

World markets plunge over fears that Greece’s economic crisis will spread to other countries despite austerity measures Read More Here

(Taragana) – Goldman Sachs pays $450K to regulators who say it violated stock short-selling rule

The case involving Goldman’s stock-trading business is unrelated to the SEC’s civil fraud charges filed against the firm last month over mortgage securities transactions it arranged. Goldman has denied the allegations in that case and said it will contest the charges in court Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Bernanke’s Biggest Bailout – Mike Whitney

The right-wing think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute, is helping the Federal Reserve to develop a strategy to transfer $1.25 trillion in toxic mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and non performing loans onto the public’s balance sheet. Although it’s unknown whether Fed chair Ben Bernanke will act on the AEI’s recommendations, it does show that the Fed’s Quantitative Easing program (QE)–which moved the bulk of garbage assets from the banks to the Fed’s balance sheet–poses long-term problems that will need to be addressed. Bernanke never intended to keep these assets any longer than necessary. Now he is actively exploring options for getting rid of them. Read More Here

(WSJ) – Congress Members Bet on Fall in Stocks

Some members of Congress made risky bets with their own money that U.S. stocks or bonds would fall during the financial crisis, a Wall Street Journal analysis of congressional disclosures shows. Read More Here

(AmericanThinker) – The Dollar’s Inevitable Demise

In its first midsession review, the White House Office of Management and Budget estimated that at the end of 2010, the national debt will breach the $14-trillion mark. This means that America’s sovereign debt will be soon equal to the annual output of our economy. In other words, our national debt will shortly reach 100 percent of GDP. History and experience show that most governments that assume such levels of debt are ultimately not able to contain them. In most cases, this kind of situation eventually leads to the disintegration of the country’s monetary regime and the collapse of its currency. Read More Here

(ForexCrunch) – Rumor: Spain will ask for 280 billion euros of aid money – Euro plunges

A rumor that Spain will ask for 280 billion euros of aid money in order to deal with its debt is running in the past few hours in trade rooms. This is what’s bringing down the Euro. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Video: Marc Faber on Bloomberg – China’s Economy May Crash in Next 12 Months

Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks with Bloomberg’s Haslinda Amin about the outlook for China’s economy. Faber, speaking from Hong Kong, also discusses Greece’s debt crisis and the euro, the commodities market, and the implications of political unrest in Thailand for the nation’s economy and stock market. View Video Here

Surprise! Obama Was Top Recipient of BP Donations in 2008

Of course the $71,000 Obama received from BP is chump change compared to what he got from Goldman Sachs, so don’t expect him to be returning any of it. Nor should you expect any of his media lapdogs to mention his BP connection. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Guess Who’s Paying For The Greece Bailout? That’s Right — YOU

The bailout outrages never stop.

Of the 110-billion Euro Greece bailout, 30-billion (approx $40 billion) will be paid for by the IMF. Read More Here

(PRNewsWire) – Bottoms Down: Hotel Profits Decline Record 35.4 Percent According to PKF Report

According to survey results in the recently released Trends® in the Hotel Industry report issued by PKF Hospitality Research (PKF-HR), the average U.S. hotel suffered a 35.4 decline in profits in 2009. This is the greatest annual fall-off in the bottom line since PKF-HR began tracking the industry in the 1930s. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Keiser Report meets Schiff Report

This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the scandals of President Bill Clinton’s skepticism on Goldman charges; the TARP watchdog’s handcuffs for Timmy Geithner; and the continuing ‘ratings surveillance’ payments to credit rating agencies for defaulted CDOs too complicated to unwind. In the second half of the show, Max interviews Peter Schiff, who is running for the Republican nomination for US Senate for Connecticut, about debating Greenspan, revaluing yuan and regulating that which is already illegal. View Video Here

(Fox) – Video: Freedom Watch – Rising Awareness On Rising Debt

A new campaign to defeat the debt puts the issue on the forefront Continue reading

MSM: One third of Americans say own govt a threat – Poll

See Also: (AP) – Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans don’t trust Washington – Read More Here

(AFP) – Nearly one out of three Americans view the US government as a “major threat” to their freedoms, and four out of five say they don’t trust Washington to solve their problems, according to a new poll out Monday.

Just 19 percent say they are “basically content” with the federal government, against 56 percent who say they are “frustrated” and 21 percent who describe themselves as “angry,” the Pew Research Center survey found. Continue reading

Fears Over Global Warming In Rapid Decline Following Climate Scandals

(SteveWatson) – The latest survey from Gallup indicates that Americans’ fears over anthropological global warming are in rapid decline and that more and more people feel that climate change is being over exaggerated. Continue reading

MSM: Sharp decline in public’s belief in climate threat, British poll reveals

(Guardian) – Public conviction about the threat of climate change has declined sharply after months of questions over the science and growing disillusionment with government action, a leading British poll has found. Continue reading

The US Economic Crisis: Jobs Continue to Vanish While the Media Applauds “Recovery”

(GlobalResearch) – At first glance it appeared there was a typo in the headlines. The national media reported that, in January, another 20,000 more jobs were lost. Somehow, the unemployment rate dropped, from 10 percent to 9.7 percent. Nobody thought this paradox was worth explaining; instead, the media’s attitude was “more good news” about the economy. Continue reading

US Economy: More Unemployment. Slowdown in the Pace of Job Losses

(BobChapman) – The number of Americans filing first- time claims for unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest since January, a sign the labor market is deteriorating more slowly as the economy emerges from the recession. Continue reading

US Census Bureau report: 40 million living in poverty

The overall poverty rate in the US rose to 13.2 percent in 2008, as workers across all sectors of the economy became jobless and increasing numbers of families were forced into destitution, according to a new government report. Real median household income also declined by 3.6 percent. Continue reading

U.S. Pharmaceutical Factories Dumping Huge Quantities of Drugs Into Public Sewers, Rivers and Waterways

(NaturalNews) – In spite of claims by pharmaceutical companies that they do not discharge their products into the water supply, federal researchers have discovered that waters downstream of pharmaceutical plants are more heavily contaminated with drug residue than waters elsewhere in the country. Continue reading

Exclusive: Most GPs may reject swine flu vaccine

Up to 60% of GPs may choose not to be vaccinated against swine flu, with many concerned about the safety of the vaccine, a GP newspaper survey suggests. Continue reading

MSM: Mercury found in all fish at 300 US streams

(TheHerald) – A study of mercury contamination has found the toxic substance in every fish tested at nearly 300 streams across the US. Continue reading

“Working Poor” report: Nearly 30 percent of US families subsist on poverty wages.

A report released in October 2008 by the Working Poor Families Project reveals that more than 28 percent of American families with one or both parents employed are living in poverty. Continue reading

MSM: Barack Obama ratings fall as polls show honeymoon may be over

(Telegraph) – Barack Obama’s honeymoon period appears to be coming to an end in America as polls have shown his ratings have fallen to their lowest point yet. Continue reading

Flame Retardant Chemicals Found in U.S. Coastal Waters and Great Lakes

(NaturalNews) – Toxic flame retarding chemicals are found in all U.S. coastal waters and in the Great Lakes, according to a nationwide survey conducted by the federal Agency for Toxic Substances. Continue reading

Britain leads world in police state survey

A recent survey from internet security consultancy, Cryptohippie, suggests that the UK is setting the pace in at least one area – though being classified as the West’s most repressive regime when it comes to electronic surveillance might not be a title that this government is entirely happy to wear. Continue reading

Antarctic sea ice increasing: study

In recent years all the headlines have been about ice melting in some of the globe’s chilliest places. But it seems that global warming may actually be leading to an increase in sea ice in parts of the Antarctic. Continue reading