MSM: One in five Californians say they need mental health care

(LATimes) – Almost 5 million California adults say they could use help with a mental or emotional problem, according to a survey released Wednesday by researchers at UCLA. About 1 million of them meet the criteria for “serious psychological distress.”

However, only one in three people who perceive a need for mental health services or are in serious distress have seen a professional for treatment, the survey found. Read More Here

MSM: Soldiers Take Psychiatric Medications for Stress

(ABC) – After years on the battlefield or in the trenches, many American soldiers are showing signs of psychological distress. An increasing number of soldiers are turning to medication to alleviate their symptoms. Continue reading

1st Amendment on Trial – Hostile bloggers facing fines, jail?

Proposal ‘comes close to making it federal offense to log onto Internet’

A new proposal in Congress is threatening fines and jail time for what it calls “cyberbullying” – communications that include e-mails and text messages that “cause substantial emotional distress.” Continue reading