MSM: One in five Californians say they need mental health care

(LATimes) – Almost 5 million California adults say they could use help with a mental or emotional problem, according to a survey released Wednesday by researchers at UCLA. About 1 million of them meet the criteria for “serious psychological distress.”

However, only one in three people who perceive a need for mental health services or are in serious distress have seen a professional for treatment, the survey found. Read More Here

More evidence emerges that Americans are drugged out of their minds

(NaturalNews) – As NaturalNews has previously reported, the U.S. is a nation seemingly hooked on mind-altering drugs (…). A study released last fall in the Archives of General Psychiatry documented a dramatic increase in the use of antidepressant drugs like Prozac since l996. In fact, these medications are now the most widely prescribed drugs in the U.S. Continue reading

MSM: UCLA Study – The Internet Is Altering Our Brains

(Fox) – Adults with little Internet experience show changes in their brain activity after just one week online, a new study finds. Continue reading

Why Millions of Americans Don’t Need a Swine Flu Vaccine

(NaturalNews) – The FDA has now suddenly granted approval to four different H1N1 vaccines, all on the same day! With virtually no testing, these fast-tracked vaccines are now approved for use on everyone: Infants, children, adults, senior citizens and even expectant mothers. But does everyone really need these vaccines? Continue reading

Approaching Epidemic: Brain Damage from Mobile Phone Radiation

A collaborative team of international EMF activists has released a report detailing eleven design flaws of the 13-country, Telecom-funded Interphone study. Continue reading

MSM: Swine flu to hit 50% of us?

(SeattleTimes) – Swine flu could infect half the U.S. population this fall and winter, hospitalizing up to 1.8 million people and causing as many as 90,000 deaths — more than double the number that occur in an average flu season, according to an estimate from a presidential panel released Monday. Continue reading

MSM: Swine Flu Campaign Waits on Vaccine

(WPost) – Government health officials are mobilizing to launch a massive swine flu vaccination campaign this fall that is unprecedented in its scope — and in the potential for complications. Continue reading

MSM: State takes extra steps to battle flu in fall

(BostonGlobe) – Massachusetts health authorities took the unprecedented step yesterday of deputizing dentists, paramedics, and pharmacists to help administer vaccines against both the seasonal flu and the novel swine strain expected to make a return visit in the fall. Continue reading

Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration After Age 50

(Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. – 2-22-2008) – It has been estimated that 14.8 million Americans suffer from major depressive disorder and of this number 6 million are elderly. If we include anxiety disorders, which commonly accompany depression, the number jumps to 40 million adults. At a cost of $44 billon dollars a year just for care of the seniors, this impacts the national budget as well. Continue reading

Swine Flu Vaccine Should Not Be Given To Children In Schools

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has issued a statement publicly questioning the necessity and safety of administering experimental H1N1 swine flu vaccines to children in schools. Continue reading

A Shot in the Arm, Whether You Like It or Not

Among the countless horrors our Dear Leader wants to visit upon us with his health care “reform” bill is this: ”grants to states to improve immunization coverage of children, adolescents, and adults through the use of evidence-based interventions. States may use funds to implement interventions that are recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force, such as reminders or recalls for patients or providers, or home visits.” Continue reading

Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno”

UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and Swedish toymaker BRIO have teamed up to get kids ready for their coming soft kill vaccinations. Continue reading

Children and Pregnant Women Targeted in U.S. Swine Flu Mass Vaccination Program

(NaturalNews) – The U.S. government is about to unleash a sweeping new vaccination program that claims to protect people from swine flu. The vaccines, which are of course completely useless against any mutated strain of the H1N1 influenza virus, are nevertheless quite useful at suppressing the immune function of those who receive them. Continue reading