9/11 Rescue Workers Suffered Severe, Permanent Lung Function Losses

(Medscape) – Study Summary

The emergency rescue workers who responded to the terror attacks and collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, were exposed to a dense cloud of pulverized building materials and products of the combustion. Many of the first responders were rescue workers from the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) and the emergency medical service (EMS). For most of these workers (10,870 from FDNY and 1911 EMS workers), records of routine lung function tests that predated 9/11 were available. Therefore, it was possible to accurately determine the acute effects of the exposure that occurred after the attack. Continue reading

Video: This Common Food Ingredient Is As Addictive as Cocaine? – Dr. Richard Johnson

(DrMercola) – Dr. Richard Johnson is professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, where he runs the kidney division and is in charge of transplantation and research in blood pressure. He has also written the best book on the market on the dangers of fructose called The Sugar Fix.

About 70 percent of his work involves research and, for a number of years, he has been studying the effects of fructose on the metabolic system in animals and cell culture, as well as in clinical studies.

Most of this research is focused on how fructose might cause obesity, high blood pressure, kidney disease, fatty liver, and other health-related problems.

Here, Dr. Johnson discusses how uric acid in your blood can wreak havoc on your blood pressure, insulin production and even kidney function.

Video Link Here

Aspartame alert: Diet soda destroys kidney function

(NaturalNews) – Scientists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have revealed results from a study outlining some of the effects of artificial sweeteners on the body. Conducted on a group of 3,000 women, the results indicated that those who drank two or more artificially-sweetened beverages a day doubled their risk of more-rapid-than-normal kidney function decline. Continue reading

MSM: UCLA Study – The Internet Is Altering Our Brains

(Fox) – Adults with little Internet experience show changes in their brain activity after just one week online, a new study finds. Continue reading

Omega-3s beat depression

(NaturalNews) – You’re probably already aware of the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular health, but did you know that omega-3s are also extremely beneficial for moods and cognitive function? In fact, there’s a tremendous amount of good evidence demonstrating that omega-3 fatty acids can help enhance brain function and prevent depression. Continue reading

Sixty million years of evolution says vitamin D may save your life from swine flu

(NaturalNews) – People still don’t get it: Vitamin D is the “miracle nutrient” that activates your immune system to defend you against invading microorganisms — including seasonal flu and swine flu. Continue reading

Sunflower Seeds are Answer from Nature to Antidepressant Drugs

Sunflowers are the earthly representation of the sun. They have such an affinity for the life giving force that they twist on their stems so their faces can bask in sunlight all through the day. Photons from the sun are stored in the DNA of the sunflower, making its seed resonate with the photons in human cells. This resonance is good for mind as well as body, and makes sunflowers one of the top foods for fighting depression. Continue reading

MSM: CDC – Rocket fuel chemical found in baby formula

Traces of a chemical used in rocket fuel were found in samples of powdered baby formula, and could exceed what’s considered a safe dose for adults if mixed with water also contaminated with the ingredient, a government study has found. Continue reading