Epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency sweeping the world – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – There is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency sweeping across our modern world, and it’s an epidemic of such depth and seriousness that it makes the H1N1 swine flu epidemic look like a case of the sniffles by comparison. Vitamin D deficiency is not only alarmingly widespread, it’s also a root cause of many other serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease. Continue reading

Breast cancer virtually “eradicated” with higher levels of vitamin D – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – In a gathering of vitamin D researchers recently held in Toronto, Dr. Cedric Garland delivered a blockbuster announcement: Breast cancer can be virtually “eradicated” by raising vitamin D levels. Continue reading

Swine flu pandemic: How will it impact Ecuador and South America vs. North America?

(NaturalNews) – Living in Ecuador, I’ve overheard many discussions about the swine flu pandemic and its possible impact on Ecuador, South America and Central America. This article offers an analysis of likely scenarios based on what has been observed so far with the behavior of the swine flu around the world. Continue reading

Despite Anti-Vitamin D Bias, CDC Stumbles on Deficiency Link to H1N1 Deaths

(Dr. Mercola) – So far, Swine flu, H1N1, has killed thirty-six children in U.S. and analysis of CDC data indicates Vitamin D deficient children at higher risk of death. Continue reading

Vitamin D Deficiency Reveals an Instant Health Care Reform Solution

(NaturalNews) – There once was a Big Pharma zealot More offensive than insect repellant. He just couldn’t see What’s in vitamin D, “It’s not useful unless we can sell it.” – by the Health Ranger Continue reading

Video: Dr. John Cannell on Vitamin D and Swine Flu

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Sunflower Seeds are Answer from Nature to Antidepressant Drugs

Sunflowers are the earthly representation of the sun. They have such an affinity for the life giving force that they twist on their stems so their faces can bask in sunlight all through the day. Photons from the sun are stored in the DNA of the sunflower, making its seed resonate with the photons in human cells. This resonance is good for mind as well as body, and makes sunflowers one of the top foods for fighting depression. Continue reading

Multiple Sclerosis Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency

Researchers from Oxford University and the University of British Columbia have discovered that Vitamin D deficiency affects a section of the human genome already linked with multiple sclerosis (MS) risk, adding further weight to theories that this vitamin deficiency might play a role in development of the disease. Continue reading

British scientists condemn using children in GM food trials as unacceptable

Children have been used as ‘lab rats’ in GM rice trials that were carried out in breach of ethics rules drawn up in response to the medical crimes of Nazi Germany, it is claimed. Continue reading

Magnesium – The Fountain Of Youth & Health

While the USDA, the FDA, news media and nearly all of “modern medicine” promote vaccines, chemicals, surgery and radiation as the “accepted” way of dealing with the growing number of illnesses and symptoms prevalent in the US, it now appears that magnesium may be the miraculous, essential mineral that has been kept hidden from us for about 100 years. Continue reading