Breast cancer virtually “eradicated” with higher levels of vitamin D – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – In a gathering of vitamin D researchers recently held in Toronto, Dr. Cedric Garland delivered a blockbuster announcement: Breast cancer can be virtually “eradicated” by raising vitamin D levels. Continue reading

Give Gardasil to Boys too, Experts Say

Editor’s note: Are we having another WTF? moment in world health affairs in which the elite decide how best to make us sick or possibly dead? Continue reading

Low Vitamin D May Be Root Cause of Cancer

(NaturalNews) What initially causes cancer to develop? The current scientific model assumes that a genetic mutation begins the genesis of a malignancy. But what if that assumption is wrong and there’s another key to the start of cancer? Continue reading

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Multiple Sclerosis in Children

(NaturalNews) – Children who develop multiple sclerosis have substantially lower levels of vitamin D than children who do not develop the disease, according to a series of studies presented at an international conference on multiple sclerosis in Montreal. Continue reading