Health News

(Reuters) – Excuse for Pushing HPV Vaccinations: Sex Virus Blamed for Rise in Head and Neck Cancers

The number of head and neck cancers linked to a virus spread by oral sex is rising rapidly and suggests boys as well as girls should be offered protection through vaccination, doctors said Friday. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Britain Becoming Nation of Pill-Poppers as Medication Rates Skyrocket

Prescription rates in the United Kingdom have been rising rapidly, showing an increasing reliance on pharmaceuticals to treat everything from allergies to obesity, according to a report released by the National Health Service (NHS) Information Center. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Twenty percent of hospital patients have diabetes

The National Health Service (NHS) of the U.K. recently conducted an audit of its hospital patients and found that 20 percent of them have diabetes. Many of these patients had been admitted to the hospital to be treated for conditions caused directly by the disease, illustrating the tremendous social burden being caused by the obesity-related illness. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – Risks Seen in Cholesterol Drug Use in Healthy People

With the government’s blessing, a drug giant is about to expand the market for its blockbuster cholesterol medication Crestor to a new category of customers: as a preventive measure for millions of people who do not have cholesterol problems. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – In Patent Fight, Nature, 1; Company, 0 – Read More Here

Ten questions about flu vaccines that doctors and health authorities refuse to answer

(NaturalNews) – Vaccine mythology remains rampant in both western medicine and the mainstream media. To hear the vaccination zealots say it, vaccines are backed by “good science,” they’ve been “proven effective” and they’re “perfectly safe.” Continue reading

There’s no such thing as a virus that causes chronic fatigue syndrome

(NaturalNews) – Beware, readers, when you see articles in the mainstream media claiming that a retrovirus causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). The stories quote new research published in the journal Science which claims that this virus — known as XMRV — was found in 67% of CFS sufferers but only 4% of the general population. From there, the media leaps to the wild conclusion that CFS is caused by this virus. Continue reading

Study Reveals Serious HPV Vaccine Problems: Fainting, Blood Clots, Death Among Risks

(NaturalNews) – At first glance, a study just published in the August 19th edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is yet another whitewash job about the safety of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus recombinant vaccine –better known as Gardasil, the genital human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Continue reading

Using New Laws for Swine Flu May Create a Perfect Storm

1. The US government is using laws designed for dealing with a very deadly pandemic or bioterrorism to bring in a mass vaccination program for swine flu, specifically the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2006. Continue reading

Gardasil Causes 400 Percent More Deaths than Other Common Vaccine

(NaturalNews) – A federal report has concluded that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil has a 400 percent higher rate of adverse effects than another comparable vaccine, the Menactra anti-meningitis shot. Continue reading

Give Gardasil to Boys too, Experts Say

Editor’s note: Are we having another WTF? moment in world health affairs in which the elite decide how best to make us sick or possibly dead? Continue reading

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes

(CNSNews) – There is a knock at the front door. Peeking through the window, a mother sees a man and a woman, both in uniform. They are agents of health-care reform. Continue reading