MSM: Antidepressant use rises as recession feeds wave of worry

(Guardian) – The number of antidepressants prescribed by the NHS has almost doubled in the last decade, and rose sharply last year as the recession bit, figures reveal.

The health service issued 39.1m prescriptions for drugs to tackle depression in England in 2009, compared with 20.1m in 1999 – a 95% jump. Doctors handed out 3.18m more prescriptions last year than in 2008, almost twice the annual rise seen in preceding years, according to previously unpublished statistics released by the NHS’s Business Services Authority.

The increase is thought to be due in part to improved diagnosis, reduced stigma around mental ill-health and rising worries about jobs and finances triggered by the economic downturn. Read More Here

‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim — until now

(DailyCaller) – During the debate over ObamaCare, the bill’s opponents were excoriated for talk of rationing and “death panels.” And in fairness, with a few minor exceptions governing Medicare reimbursements, the law does not directly ration care or allow the government to dictate how doctors practice medicine.

But if President Obama wanted to keep a lid on that particular controversy, he just selected about the worst possible nominee for director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs. Obama’s pick, Dr. Donald Berwick, is an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE).

“I am romantic about the National Health Service. I love it,” Berwick said during a 2008 speech to British physicians, going on to call it “generous, hopeful, confident, joyous, and just.” He compared the wonders of British health care to a U.S. system that he described as trapped in “the darkness of private enterprise.”

Berwick was referring to a British health care system where 750,000 patients are awaiting admission to NHS hospitals. The government’s official target for diagnostic testing was a wait of no more than 18 weeks by 2008. The reality doesn’t come close. The latest estimates suggest that for most specialties, only 30 to 50 percent of patients are treated within 18 weeks. For trauma and orthopedics patients, the figure is only 20 percent. Read More Here

See Also:

(HumanEvents) – Obama to Seniors: ‘Drop Dead’

According to surveys, no group of Americans is more skeptical of Obamacare than senior citizens—and with good reason.

While bits and pieces of the massive law are designed to appeal to seniors—more taxpayer subsidies for the Medicare drug benefit, for example—much of the financing over the initial ten years is siphoned off from an estimated $575 billion in projected savings to the Medicare program. Unless Medicare savings are captured and plowed right back into the Medicare program, however, the solvency of the Medicare program will continue to weaken. The law does not provide for that. Medicare is already burdened by an unfunded liability of $38 trillion.

Medicare Advantage plans, which currently attract almost one in four seniors, will see enrollment cut roughly in half over the next 10 years. Senior citizens will thus be more dependent on traditional Medicare than they are today and will have fewer health care choices. Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – Congressman: Obama May Have Spent $10 Million On Illegal Kenya Abortion Push

A U.S. Congressman investigating possibly illegal expenditure towards the promotion of abortion in Kenya says he has received information that indicates the Obama Administration may have funneled more than $10 million in taxpayer funds into the project. Read More Here

Teen girls bribed to get Gardasil vaccine with shopping vouchers

(NaturalNews) – The British National Health Service (NHS) has begun bribing teenage girls between the ages of 16 and 18 to get Gardasil vaccines. Officials are giving shopping vouchers worth the equivalent of roughly $70 to girls who agree to get jabbed with the vaccine, which has been implicated in numerous cases of severe harm and death.

Officials from NHS Birmingham East and North have initiated the pilot program which is costing taxpayers the equivalent of about $35,000. No parental consent is required in order for young girls to participate in the program. Continue reading

Big Brother pre-crime quiz used on children

(NaturalNews) – The British government plans to collect lifelong records on all residents starting at the age of five, in order to screen for those who might be more likely to commit crimes in the future. Continue reading

Health News

(Reuters) – Excuse for Pushing HPV Vaccinations: Sex Virus Blamed for Rise in Head and Neck Cancers

The number of head and neck cancers linked to a virus spread by oral sex is rising rapidly and suggests boys as well as girls should be offered protection through vaccination, doctors said Friday. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Britain Becoming Nation of Pill-Poppers as Medication Rates Skyrocket

Prescription rates in the United Kingdom have been rising rapidly, showing an increasing reliance on pharmaceuticals to treat everything from allergies to obesity, according to a report released by the National Health Service (NHS) Information Center. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Twenty percent of hospital patients have diabetes

The National Health Service (NHS) of the U.K. recently conducted an audit of its hospital patients and found that 20 percent of them have diabetes. Many of these patients had been admitted to the hospital to be treated for conditions caused directly by the disease, illustrating the tremendous social burden being caused by the obesity-related illness. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – Risks Seen in Cholesterol Drug Use in Healthy People

With the government’s blessing, a drug giant is about to expand the market for its blockbuster cholesterol medication Crestor to a new category of customers: as a preventive measure for millions of people who do not have cholesterol problems. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – In Patent Fight, Nature, 1; Company, 0 – Read More Here

Pesticides exposure linked to suicidal thoughts

A new study in China has found that people with higher levels of pesticide exposure are more likely to have suicidal thoughts. The study was carried out by Dr Robert Stewart from the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London together with scientists from Tongde Hospital Zhejiang Province. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. health worker vaccine fears mirror public doubt

(Reuters) – Hospital and other healthcare workers are at the front of the line to get the new swine flu vaccine, but many are resisting and even fighting vaccination requirements. Continue reading

MSM: The swine flu call centres where staff have nothing to do but play cards and Trivial Pursuit

(DailyMail) – Two swine flu call centres are to close just weeks after opening because staff have been spending most of their time playing cards and board games. Continue reading

MSM: Health experts warn not to take Tamiflu pills

(ThisIsLondon) – The Government is refusing to change its swine flu policy after experts said healthy people should not be given Tamiflu. Continue reading

Nationwide Revolt Against Mass Swine Flu Vaccination Accelerates

One third of NHS nurses in UK refuse to take shot, citing safety fears over vaccine’s link with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, autism and neurological disorders Continue reading

MSM: One in three nurses ‘do not want swine flu vaccine’

(Guardian) – Almost a third of nurses will refuse the offer of immunisation against swine flu because they have fears about the vaccine’s safety, according to a new survey. Continue reading

MSM: Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America

(DailyMail) – A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter. Continue reading

MSM: ‘Tamiflu turned my children into hallucinating, sobbing wrecks’

(DailyMail) – This week, it was with no small measure of satisfaction that I watched Andy Burnham, our implausibly youthful Health Secretary, squirm on the GMTV sofa. Continue reading

MSM: £27,000 swine flu bonus for GPs (who already earn £107,000)

(DailyMail) – Family doctors could see their salaries soar by £27,000 once a swine flu vaccination programme is in place, the Daily Mail can reveal. Continue reading

MSM: Royal Pharmaceutical Society – Britain becoming nation of pill-takers

(Times) – The British are becoming increasingly reliant on medication, figures show today, with the number of prescriptions to combat allergies, diabetes and obesity all increasing last year. Continue reading

Elderly should be low priority for antivirals, says scientist

Elderly people with swine flu should be treated as the lowest priority for antiviral drugs in a bid to preserve stocks for the younger population, according to new research. Continue reading

Doctors face ‘playing God’ over who lives or dies if swine flu overwhelms NHS

Thousands of patients could be denied NHS treatment and left to die under ‘worst-case’ emergency plans for a swine-flu epidemic. Continue reading

FDR’s Failed Reform: He Left the Fed in Place

Many people seem genuinely baffled that western governments are hyping the arrival of a swine flu pandemic as if it’s the greatest threat to humanity since the bubonic plague, despite the relatively low number of deaths from the virus, unaware that the pharmaceutical industry has been intimately joined at the hip with the state for decades. Continue reading

MSM: Swine flu vaccine to be given to entire population

(Telegraph) – The NHS is preparing to vaccinate the entire population against swine flu. Continue reading

MSM: Swine flu – 100,000 UK cases a day by August

(Guardian) – More than 100,000 people could be diagnosed with swine flu every day by the end of August, the government said, announcing that the disease can no longer be contained in the UK. Continue reading

MSM: The drugs don’t work

(Guardian) – The number of people on antidepressants is soaring – we may be more miserable, but let’s swap the pills for support and care Continue reading

MSM: Antidepressant use soars as the recession bites

(Guardian) – Fears the recession is affecting the mental health of the nation appear to be borne out by new figures that show prescriptions of antidepressants are soaring. Continue reading

Video: Common Purpose – “Re-Engineering” UK For A New World Order

Brian Gerrish, is a former naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert, who, together with colleagues throughout the country, has conducted detailed research into ‘Common Purpose’, a mysterious collective which seeks to by-pass the British democratic system by setting up unelected quangoes with extreme European federalist agendas. According to Gerrish, there is now almost no strata of the BBC, NHS, local government, police forces, regional structures, armed forces, government departments, communications media and industry, which has not in some way been infiltrated or influenced by Common Purpose and other related initiatives designed to weaken British sovereignty and increase outside control. Continue reading

MSM: Up to 20,000 jobs will go as RBS chief prepares to sell off unwanted assets

Royal Bank of Scotland will embark this week on a radical plan to split itself in two as it cuts tens of thousands of staff across the globe and confirms the biggest annual loss in British corporate history. Continue reading

MSM: New fight to stop mass fluoridation

Government drive to add the chemical to water supplies hinges on Hampshire test case

Opponents of the mass fluoridation of water will next week try to stop a government drive to add the chemical to supplies used by millions of people in England and Wales. Continue reading