Video: Robert Dinozzi & Brian Kraft Talk About Their Documentary, The Fall of America – Alex Jones Tv

Alex talks with writer, director, and producer Brian Kraft and Robert DiNozzi about Kraft’s The Fall of America and The Western World, an 8+ hour documentary. The video explores the current economic crisis, the Federal Reserve, the emerging police state, the globalist agenda, and how political agendas in media have destroyed our ability to get real news. Robert DiNozzi was the executive producer of Flightplan, a 2005 feature film starring Jodie Foster. Continue reading

Barbara Boxer In The Fight Of Her Political Life

By Katherine Smith, PhD

“Barbara Boxer blasted her Republican opponent’s record (Carly Fiorina) on job creation Tuesday, as both campaigns continued to spar over the best way to fix the economy in a state with one of the nation’s highest unemployment rates.”

Huh. Is it possible Barbara doesn’t read the New York Times?

On May 31, 2009 David E. Sanger exposed The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M who is behind the economic collapse and it’s none other than the 44th POTUS, Barack Obama.

“Brian Deese, special assistant to president Obama for economic policy, in his first government position, shuffles back and forth from the West Wing to the Treasury Department rewriting the rules of American “capitalism” as he dismantles the US [Housing,] Automobile Industry [and the American Dream].” David E. Sanger

Deese’s First Rule: Withdraw Credit and Liquidity: Causing spending to fall even further, forcing companies to cut back on inventory and staff – Creating even more unemployment…There are now 39 million Americans no longer living in 18,000,000 houses who are no longer working or looking for work. And that’s before the recently announced “planned three-year budget freeze on government discretionary spending.”

So if you think voting for Boxer or Fiorina is going to make a difference I suggest you join the 3,201,420 people who viewed JibJab’s – Time for Some Campaignin’.

Citizens gather from both far and near, for a ritual we practice every four years. When we promise you anything you wanna hear. To win the crown we’re chasing! We spend billions of dollars to make our points clear. To get you to step and cast your vote here, then we spin you around and poke you in the rear. Yes it’s Time for Some Campaignin’.

The Powers That Be (TPTB, a non-conspiracy acronym [1]) are behind Boxer, Fiorina, Biden and, of course, the candidate for change, Barack Hussein Obama. Continue reading

MSM: Police could lose ‘up to 60,000 officers’

(Guardian) – Up to 60,000 police officer jobs could be lost in the next five years as the government seeks to eliminate the national debt, according to research published today.

The figure is the worst-case scenario in a range of possible outcomes examined by Jane’s Police Review magazine after the Treasury told government departments to prepare for cuts of up to 40%.

If the police suffer average cuts, predicted to be around 25%, that will lead to the loss of between 11,500 and 17,000 jobs by 2015, said Dr Tim Brain, who recently retired as chief constable of Gloucestershire and Association of Chief Police Officers lead on finance. Continue reading

Video: The Bohemian Grove Explained

(NorCalTruth) – This is the first of a series of rational discussions on the importance of the Bohemian Club, the powerful people that are a part of its membership, and the Bohemian Grove itself in Monte Rio, Ca.

This is being produced in order to balance the perception of the Bohemian Grove. Many rumors exists about what the Cremation of Care ceremony is and means, hopefully this puts many of those rumors to rest.

The goal of this film is also to keep the focus on the dots that we can connect: The powerful players, their positions in Government, business, military, banking or media institutions.

Many of these groups are representing, or serving the public – So why must they meet in private? Continue reading

Video: Brian Lehrer – Wikileaks and Whistle-blowers

(NorCalTruth) – Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald and John Young from are guests on the Brian Lehrer show, discussing Wikileaks and National secrecy and security. Continue reading

Video: US Policy in Haiti Lays the Foundation for Why Impact of Natural Disaster Is So Severe – Amy Goodman

(DemocracyNow) – We discuss the situation in Haiti following Tuesdays massive earthquake, as well as the history of Haiti, with two guests who have spent a lot of time there: Bill Quigley, the legal director at the Center for Constitutional Rights, and Brian Concannon, director of the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti. Continue reading

How ABC News’ Brian Ross Cooked His ‘Hasan Contacted Al Qaeda’ Scoop

ABC NewsBrian Ross has a breathtaking record of recklessly inaccurate, overhyped stories that don’t live up to the headline. His scoop yesterday about Nidal Malik Hasan’s “attempt to reach out to al Qaeda” was one of them. Continue reading

Video: Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv – U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

Alex talks with author, journalist, lecturer and regular guest Webster Tarpley. Webster is the author of Obama – The Postmodern Coup, Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, and Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History Continue reading

65,000 vs. 100

According to National Security Advisor James Jones:

  • Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan number fewer than 100
  • Most are making small bombs, and
  • not able to attack the West
  • Continue reading

MSM: Ireland pays £48bn to rescue five banks from toxic debts

(Independent) – Five High street banks in Ireland are to be paid £48bn by a state agency to cover their toxic debts in the biggest financial rescue in the country’s history. Bonds issued by the National Assets Management Agency (Nama) will provide the struggling banks with £7bn more than the current £41bn value of their toxic debts. Continue reading

MSM: Insiders sell like there’s no tomorrow

(CNN) – Corporate officers and directors were buying stock when the market hit bottom. What does it say that they’re selling now? Continue reading

“We don’t want your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to trash the planet” The Federal Reserve, 2009 – Robert Singer

(Robert Singer) – Having trouble understanding the events since the October 2008 financial crisis?
Any of this sound familiar:
* · Banks hoarding their TARP funds
* · Gas prices going up when they should be going down
* · Automobile dealerships closed without regard to profitability
* · Health Care reform: The Kevorkian is out of jail early Continue reading

Video: Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird

Video: Corporate Media Gets You Ready for Your Forced Experimental Vaccination

Fox’s Shepard Smith almost said “draconian” and instead said “drastic” while reporting on Northcom’s involvement in plans to “administer” a toxic H1N1 vaccine, more than likely in October. Robert Gates, the Bush admin leftover at the Pentagon, is ready to sign off on marrying troops with FEMA when the engineered pandemic breaks out later this year. No mention of the egregious violation of Posse Comitatus this plan presents in the Fox News report: Continue reading

MSM: Fiscal ruin of the Western world beckons

(Telegraph) – For a glimpse of what awaits Britain, Europe, and America as budget deficits spiral to war-time levels, look at what is happening to the Irish welfare state. Continue reading

MSM: Jobless rate rises in nearly all states

(CNN) – Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia post unemployment rates rise in May, while only one state – Nebraska – registers a decrease. Continue reading

Republicans and Democrats Determined to Turn Tea Parties into Circus Sideshow

It’s not enough the disinfo operative Glenn Beck and the neocons posing as Republicans led by Fox News are attempting to undermine grassroots efforts to undermine and render politically correct — for milquetoast Republicans — the grassroots tea party movement. Now the sinister organization ACORN, funded to the hilt by the globalist George Soros and the one-world foundations, has piled on. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. shipped 989 munitions containers to Israel week before Gaza invasion

A week before Israel launched an aerial bombing campaign on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the U.S. military shipped 989 20-foot containers of munitions, each weighing 14,000 tonnes, to Israel. Continue reading

Video: Common Purpose – “Re-Engineering” UK For A New World Order

Brian Gerrish, is a former naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert, who, together with colleagues throughout the country, has conducted detailed research into ‘Common Purpose’, a mysterious collective which seeks to by-pass the British democratic system by setting up unelected quangoes with extreme European federalist agendas. According to Gerrish, there is now almost no strata of the BBC, NHS, local government, police forces, regional structures, armed forces, government departments, communications media and industry, which has not in some way been infiltrated or influenced by Common Purpose and other related initiatives designed to weaken British sovereignty and increase outside control. Continue reading

Video: Look Carefully – MEMRI TV is a Scam!!!

Look carefully at the logo on the screen. This translation is provided by MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, located in Washington DC (and subsidized by the taxpayers) which provides free translations of Arab broadcasts to the western media. Continue reading