MSM: Los Angeles Students to Be Taught That Arizona Immigration Law Is Un-American

(Fox) – The Los Angeles Unified School District school board wants all public school students in the city to be taught that Arizona’s new immigration law is un-American.

The school board president made the announcement Tuesday night after the district’s Board of Education passed a resolution to oppose the controversial law, which gives law enforcement officials in Arizona the power to question and detain people they suspect are in the U.S. illegally when they are stopped in relation to a crime or infraction.

Critics of the law say it will result in racial profiling.

The school board voted unanimously on Tuesday to “express outrage” and “condemnation” of the law, and it called on the school superintendent to look into curtailing economic support to the Grand Canyon State. About 73 percent of the students in the school district are Latino.

But supporters of the law say the school board is way out of bounds and that the measure will just distract from the children’s education. Full article here

See Also:

(BigJournalism) – Video: Si, se puede! — Yes, We Can Enforce the Arizona Law

La Raza, MALDEF, MEChA, and all the rest of the shameless open-borders crowd should be quaking in their collectivist sandals. A fiery, well-spoken, and very wise Latina says that Arizona has the right to “protect our state from foreign invasion.” Continue reading

School officials continue dodging questions about webcam surveillance

(AfterDawn) – After the lawsuit over Harriton High School’s alleged webcam surveillance triggered an FBI investigation, you would hope school officials would come clean about what they characterize as completely legitimate security activities. Yet Lower Merion School District’s response to parents seems to raise more questions than it answers. Continue reading

Video: Homeschoolers Arrested in New York – Slavery Returns to Amerika

(KurtNimmo) – In a move designed to send a message to parents, a Montgomery County, New York, couple were arrested and ticketed for homeschooling their children and failing to register their them with the school district. Continue reading

Spying on Americans: The Bipartisan National Security State

The bipartisan consensus that encourages unaccountable secret state agencies to illegally spy on the American people under color of a limitless, and highly profitable, “war on terror” was dealt a (minor) blow October 13. Continue reading

The Afghan quagmire

The death of eight American soldiers in a Taliban attack in Kamdesh District in Afghanistan’s north-eastern Nuristan province on October 3 could expedite the planned withdrawal of US-led coalition forces. Continue reading

The Constitution Never Had a Chance

An eminent North Carolina jurist, with whom I served on a Criminal Code Revision Commission, once told me that the law is what the last court that looks at it says it is and even then, its Justices usually disagree. I told him that there must be something very wrong with such a system. Continue reading

US Judge Rules Against Compulsory Vaccinations

30 years after compulsory vaccination became US Law:
US Court issues an injunction to stop it and to hold the the government and drug companies responsible for reactions. Continue reading

No Forest No Oxygen

Deforestation, or the removal of forests, is a major problem that has devastating effects all over the world. Europeans began clearing forests more than 500 years ago. The invention of modern machinery made the process even easier. Continue reading

MSM: Fund-Raiser Is Accused of $74 Million Fraud

(NYTimes) – A wealthy New York investor and prominent Democratic Party fund-raiser with ties to President Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton was arrested on Tuesday and accused of lying about his assets to obtain a $74 million loan from Citibank. Continue reading

Judge Orders Fed To Disclose Who Received Bailout Trillions

A New York District Judge has ordered the Federal Reserve to disclose the destination of around $2 trillion dollars in bailout funds after the Fed failed to convince the Judge that the records should be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act. Continue reading

District 9 – A Science Fiction Film With Sophisticated New World Order Propaganda

The sophistication of New World Order propaganda originating from Hollywood is reaching an insane level. Proof of this can be seen with the new release of the Peter Jackson produced and Neill Blomkamp directed science fiction film District 9. I had the opportunity to see this film over the weekend and was blown away with the multiple layers of mind control programming that is included in this movie. Continue reading

MSM: Jobless rate rises in nearly all states

(CNN) – Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia post unemployment rates rise in May, while only one state – Nebraska – registers a decrease. Continue reading

Detroit to close another 23 schools this fall

Robert Bobb, the emergency financial manager of the Detroit Public Schools, followed through on threats to carry out drastic cuts, naming 23 schools targeted for closure. In a separate announcement, the school finance chief said layoff notices are going out for 600 teachers. Continue reading