Iraq War Vet: “We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us” – Dahr Jamail

On Monday, April 5, posted video footage from Iraq, taken from a US military Apache helicopter in July 2007 as soldiers aboard it killed 12 people and wounded two children. The dead included two employees of the Reuters news agency: photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and driver Saeed Chmagh. Continue reading

MSM: 100,000 civilian federal employees owe the IRS $962 million in back taxes

(ABCNews) – Working for Uncle Sam comes with some great perks, like job stability, posh benefits packages, and in many cases, average salaries that are higher than what the same job pays in the private sector. Continue reading

MSM: JPMorgan investment bankers to see record payday

(Reuters) – JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) on Friday announced a record $9.3 billion payday for its investment-banking employees, setting the stage for competitors like Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) to also make eye-popping payouts. Continue reading

MSM: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid of Obama’s Latest Big Brother Plan

(Fox) – The Obama administration seeks to empower a very powerful government agency you have probably never heard of with new and expanded powers that will have a direct consequence on every American if they are successful in their efforts to implement national health care reforms. Continue reading

MSM: Recession Spells End for Many Family Businesses

(WSJ) – Siblings Georgia, Jimmy and John Roussos have spent most of their lives working in the kitchen of the restaurant their father opened in 1954. The eatery managed to survive a hurricane and other setbacks, but it wasn’t until this August that the recession took its toll, forcing Roussos Restaurant in Daphne, Ala., to permanently shut its doors. Continue reading

Video: Employees protest vaccination orders

(Fox) –  St. Petersburg General Hospital lab assistant Pat Putman has already received a seasonal flu vaccination and will also get the H1N1 flu shot when it is available. Continue reading

The Economy Is A Lie, Too – Paul Craig Roberts

Americans cannot get any truth out of their government about anything, the economy included.  Americans are being driven into the ground economically, with one million school children now homeless, while Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke announces that the recession is over. Continue reading

Strikes and occupations spread across Ireland

Ireland has seen a number of strikes and workplace occupations in recent months. Strikes have involved dockers at Dublin ports, medical workers in County Tipperary, employees of the state-run Health Services Executive (HSE) and workers at drinks company Coca Cola. Continue reading

Charleston Medical Center Tells Employees to Get Vaccine or Lose Jobs

Charleston Area Medical Center employees must get seasonal flu shots this year or risk losing their jobs. Continue reading

Insurers admit 50,000 employees lobbying Congress to claim profits fair

(RawStory) – A spokesman for America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s trade group, admitted in an article published Monday that as many as 50,000 industry employees are involved in an effort to fight back against aggressive healthcare reform. Continue reading

MSM: US companies axe 371,000 jobs in July

(Times) – American businesses cut 371,000 jobs from their workforces in July in a further sign that recovery in the labour market remains far off despite positive signs in other areas of the economy. Continue reading

Mass Layoffs: The Continuing Devastation

Stock market investors shrug off a disaster in our midst: mass layoffs. Investors act as though it will soon be business as usual. Companies cut costs by firing employees that have been with them for decades. Then the companies can report higher earnings from cost-cutting measures. The media then proclaim an increase in earnings. But how will these increases be sustained? How will an unemployment rate of 11% help get the economy back on its feet? Continue reading

Cable TV Workers Trained To Spy On Citizens

Bright House Networks employees will watch for “suspicious behavior,” which according to law enforcement and DHS guidelines includes being politically active, displaying bumper stickers, or disagreeing with the government Continue reading

USPS May Be Unable to Make Payroll in October and Retiree Health Plan Costs, Unions’ Letter to White House Says

On July 14, unions representing United States Postal Service (USPS) workers wrote the White House with “extreme urgency” asking for a meeting to address lack of funding for both employee payroll in October and health benefits for retired employees. Continue reading

Closures of US auto dealerships will cost tens of thousands of jobs

US auto manufacturers Chrysler and General Motors, encouraged by the Obama administration and top Wall Street circles, announced plans Thursday and Friday to close a combined 1,900 dealerships. These closures will result in the loss of some 100,000 jobs and produce economic devastation in many communities across the country. Continue reading

Free Ashton Lundeby!

It’s been said that a lie is a poor way to say “hello.” It is also the standard greeting one receives from government employees, particularly those who carry guns.

Around 10:00 p.m. on March 5, a wolf-pack of armed men gathered at the front door of the Lundeby family’s home in Oxford, North Carolina. Continue reading

MSM: Campus guns bill gaining support in Texas House

Legislation allowing state university students and employees to carry their concealed handguns on campus appears to have enough pledged support from lawmakers to pass the full Texas House. Continue reading

MSM: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pay $210m in bonuses

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the US Government-controlled mortgage giants, will pay $210 million (£141 billion) in retention bonuses over the next 18 months. Continue reading

Blame Game: Dodd Says Treasury “Forced” Him to Add Bonus Provision to Stimulus Package

Senate Banking Committee Chairman and CFR member Christopher Dodd played the blame game yesterday. He passed the buck to the Obama administration, telling Bloomberg the Obama administration instructed him to insert a provision in last month’s $787 billion borrow and spend “stimulus” legislation allowing AIG to provide lavish bonuses to its executives. Dodd said he did this without realizing the change would benefit AIG, whose recent $165 million payment to employees has created public anger. Continue reading

MSM: Microsoft poised to announce job losses

Microsoft is preparing to announce the first widescale layoffs in its 32-year history, with up to 15,000 jobs at risk, according to some predictions.

Speculation about job cuts was triggered by a report from Fudzilla, the technology blog site, which said that employees had been told that the software group was “readying major layoffs to its worldwide operations” on January 15. Continue reading