U.S. Postal Service Expands Construction Of Secret Rooms

(PaulWatson) – We have received documents from a military source indicating that U.S. Postal Service facilities across the country are expanding the construction of secretive criminal investigation rooms, which some fear will be used to detain American citizens in the event of a national emergency, bioterror attack or pandemic.

The documents (PDF) show architectural floor plans for criminal investigation rooms that would be housed within existing U.S. Postal Service buildings. The blueprints show “secret rooms” within post offices where, the source claims, “families will be separated” in the event of martial law being declared. Continue reading


(OpEdNews) – The Moral Problem of Neocons like Bunning Who Love to Cut Off Poor Peoples’ Living

The problem with neocons is that they think ‘civilization’ ENDS at the threshold of the “free market” (right wing code for the “economic law of the jungle: the predatory cult of enriching oneself at others’ expense”) Read More Here

(CNN) – USPS to propose 5-day mail schedule, major cuts

The U.S. Postal Service plans to propose Tuesday an adjusted mail service schedule, which will likely cut Saturday delivery. The agency will also suggest closing some branches and expanding its use of self-service kiosks in grocery stores and other popular retail spots, as part of its effort to work its way out of a mountain of debt. Read More Here

(BayNews9) – Medicare payment reductions worry doctors, patients

March begins with a financial blow for doctors, who are facing a major reduction in Medicare payments. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: US economy may take another hit; California faces bankruptcy questions – Video Link Here

(SOTT) – A Titanic Budget in an Ocean of Icebergs: Will the USS Budget Go Down?

If there were a prize for worst headline of the week, even the month, it would surely go to a February 23rd piece in the New York Times headlined online: “Gates Calls European Mood a Danger to Peace.” The bellicose “mood,” so undermining of global peace that our secretary of defense had to go after it, was (according to Brian Knowlton of the Times) the “public and political opposition to the military” spreading across Europe. Who wouldn’t react similarly in the face of such an unnerving phenomenon? After all, should it grow stronger, peace on Earth will surely prove a chimera. Read More Here

(SavannahNow) – Senate leader predicts ‘massive layoffs’

Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers announced Monday morning that “massive layoffs” will be one result in how the legislature copes with a roughly $1 billion shortfall in expected revenue for next year’s budget. Read More Here

MSM: In bio attack, US Post Office could distribute aid

(AFP) – The US Post Office could play a key role in distributing medical aid in the event of a biological attack, according to an executive order released by the White House. Continue reading

A Postal Strike In Britain Is The War At Home – John Pilger

The postal workers’ struggle is as vital for democracy as any national event in recent years. The campaign against them is part of a historic shift from the last vestiges of political democracy in Britain to a corporate world of insecurity and war. If the privateers running the Post Office are allowed to win, the regression that now touches all lives bar the wealthy will quicken its pace. A third of British children now live in low-income or impoverished families. One in five young people is denied hope of a decent job or education. Continue reading

MSM: Russian postal workers to let police open mail

(Yahoo) – The Russian government has issued an order telling postal workers that police and security agents have a right to open mail, causing alarm among rights advocates who fear a return to the Soviet-era tactics of the KGB. Continue reading

USPS May Be Unable to Make Payroll in October and Retiree Health Plan Costs, Unions’ Letter to White House Says

On July 14, unions representing United States Postal Service (USPS) workers wrote the White House with “extreme urgency” asking for a meeting to address lack of funding for both employee payroll in October and health benefits for retired employees. Continue reading

Postal Service Looks To Cut 40,000 Jobs In First Layoff In History

SHREVEPORT, LA (KSLA) – “We lost 2 billion dollars and like any other business we have to stay afloat.” And to keep from sinking, the United States Postal Service is considering cutting thousands of jobs nationwide. Lavelle Pepper with the post office in Shreveport says they too are feeling the affects of the same disease hitting the country… a struggling economy. “We employ about 685,000 people. If we do layoffs it would include clerks, carriers, mail handlers across all crafts.” Continue reading