Woman arrested for recording deputy

(SoMDNews) – St. Mary’s sheriff’s deputies responding to a noise complaint last weekend at a Lexington Park neighborhood report that they seized a woman’s cell phone and charged her with illegally recording a conversation.

Yvonne Nicole Shaw, 27, was taken to the St. Mary’s jail after her arrest shortly after midnight Saturday at Colony Square, and a court commissioner ordered that she be released on personal recognizance.

Sheriff’s Cpl. Patrick Handy wrote in a statement of probable cause that he was talking to people in the neighborhood when he and another deputy spotted Shaw standing about 12 feet away and holding her cell phone “in a manner suggesting she was recording our activity.”

Handy seized the cell phone, reviewed its camcorder content and “could hear my voice and the voices of the other subjects I was talking to,” the officer wrote in the charging papers, and he questioned Shaw. Read entire article

Video: Obama Will Surrender America To World Government

“Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a New World Order – can emerge. . . Now, we can see a New World Order coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect for a New World Order. . .A world where the United Nations, freed from a Cold War stalemate, is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders.” -George H.W. Bush

The Minnesota Free Market Institute hosted an event at Bethel University in St. Paul on Wednesday evening. Keynote speaker Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, warned the American people to stop Obama from signing a ‘global climate treaty’ at the climate change conference in Copenhagen in December that will ultimately surrender U.S. sovereignty to a World Government under the guise of helping the environment. Continue reading

Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty, Claims British Lord

The Minnesota Free Market Institute hosted an event at Bethel University in St. Paul on Wednesday evening. Keynote speaker Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, gave a scathing and lengthy presentation, complete with detailed charts, graphs, facts, and figures which culminated in the utter decimation of both the pop culture concept of global warming and the credible threat of any significant anthropomorphic climate change. Continue reading

Video: Employees protest vaccination orders

(Fox) –  St. Petersburg General Hospital lab assistant Pat Putman has already received a seasonal flu vaccination and will also get the H1N1 flu shot when it is available. Continue reading

Did the Swine Flu Escape from a Lab?

National Public Radio notes that Professor John Oxford at St. Bart’s and the Royal London Hospital says that the 1957 H1N1 pandemic probably started when it escaped from a lab: Continue reading

Economy In Turmoil Can’t Be Fixed With Farcical Regulation

The Friday night, June 27th FDIC Financial Follies were presented again at 9:00 pm EST. That is so the public will not hear about the failures. Five U.S. banks with total assets of about $1.04 billion were seized by regulators, pushing this year’s tally of failures to 45 as a recession drives up unemployment and home foreclosures. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones & Joyce Riley Cover Dawn Welsh’ House Raid

Alex has The Power Hour host Joyce Riley on to discuss the raid that happened just after her show. Dawn Welsh a 54 year old Grandmother was raided for trespassing in her OWN home. Continue reading