The Makings of a Police State-Part III

I don’t know what you think of our ex President Harry Truman; as with all our presidents he too came with a mixed bag of good and bad. For our discussion here it really doesn’t matter where we stand on Truman. On the other hand, the quote provides an excellent starting point for my Continue reading

War Criminals Are Becoming The Arbiters Of Law – Paul Craig Roberts

The double standard under which the Israeli government operates is too much for everyone except the brainwashed Americans. Even the very Israeli Jerusalem Post can see the double standard displayed by “all of Israel now speaking in one voice against the Goldstone report: Continue reading

Report: US considers phone companies ‘arm of government’

(RawStory) – The US government doesn’t have to reveal information about phone companies that may have spied illegally on Americans because those phone companies are an “arm of the government,” the US Justice Department argued in a recent court case. Continue reading

Major ruling against Ashcroft highlights evils of preventive detention

Yesterday — in a very significant decision (.pdf) written by Bush-43-appointed federal judge Milan Smith and joined by a Reagan-appointed judge — the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals allowed a lawsuit to proceed that was brought against John Ashcroft for the illegal and unconstitutional detention of American Muslims. Continue reading

Florida Candidate For Mayor Wants 1,000-Strong Youth Spy Force

Falconer proposes swarms of citizen informers casing neighborhoods looking for suspicious behavior Continue reading

Exclusive Update: DoJ Pressures Ohio Election Commission to Block Edmonds Testimony

Long-gagged FBI whistleblower re-iterates request for citizen media in D.C. to show up at Saturday morning deposition… Continue reading

The FBI admits: No Hard Evidence Connecting Bin Laden to 9/11

(ProjectCensored) – Osama bin Laden’s role in the events of September 11, 2001 is not mentioned on the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted” poster. Continue reading

Cable TV Workers Trained To Spy On Citizens

Bright House Networks employees will watch for “suspicious behavior,” which according to law enforcement and DHS guidelines includes being politically active, displaying bumper stickers, or disagreeing with the government Continue reading

The CIA’s Rogue Operation

Everyone is playing the guessing game regarding the secret program which the CIA hid from Congress.

The Huffington Post’s Sam Stein is guessing that it is Cheney’s executive assassination squad. Yesterday, I guessed it might have been continuity of government plans.

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Fed Up With Feds

On June 11, 2009, federal judge George Wu sentenced California resident, Charlie Lynch, to one year and one day in federal prison after a federal jury of deliberately uninformed Americans found Mr. Lynch guilty of federal charges for running a California medical marijuana dispensary that was completely legal under California laws. Continue reading

Democracy Going Dark: The Electronic Police State

The FBI’s Multi-Billion “High-Tech Surveillance” Program

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s budget request for Fiscal Year 2010 reveals that America’s political police intend to greatly expand their high-tech surveillance capabilities.

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Five Things You Should Know About the ‘Torture’ Memos

Judge Andrew Napolitano has read through the 175 of DoJ memos regarding CIA torture practices under the Bush administration: “This is not rocket science and it is not art. Everyone knows torture when they see it.” Continue reading

DHS Sets Guidelines For Possible Swine Flu Quarantines

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has sent a memo to some health care providers noting procedures to be followed if the swine flu outbreak eventually makes quarantines necessary. Continue reading

Is Swine Flu A Biological Weapon?

There are some factors that suggest the swine flu killing people in Mexico may be a biological weapon, but obviously no such conclusion can be drawn at this time. The World Health Organization and the U.S. government have been quick to deny such claims.

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Obama Administration Endorses Continued Spying on Americans

Since fatuously declaring his to be a “change” administration, President Barack Obama has quickly donned the blood-spattered mantle of state secrecy and executive privilege worn by the Bush regime.

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Video: Obama Admin Seeks to Legalize And Expand Government Spying

Advocacy group Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has warned that the Obama administration is seeking to expand the government’s authority to carry out wiretapping under the auspices of national security. Continue reading

Obama’s “War on Terror”

The language is softened and deceptive. The strategy and tactics are not. The “war on terror” continues. Promised change is talk, not policy. Just look at Obama’s “war cabinet,” discussed in an earlier article. It assures:

— the “strongest military on the planet” by outspending all other countries combined;

— continued foreign wars; Continue reading

Bush Regime Declares Itself Above the Law

The US government does not have a monopoly on hypocrisy, but no other government can match the hypocrisy of the US government.

It is now well documented and known all over the world that the US government tortured detainees at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and that the US government has had people kidnaped and “rendentioned,” that is, transported to third world countries, such as Egypt, to be tortured. Continue reading