New CNN Poll Claims Americans Believe Muslims in Caves Pulled Off 9/11

A CNN poll states the obvious — a majority of American believe the occupation of Afghanistan is turning into another Vietnam. “Fifty-two percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday say the eight year long conflict has turned into a situation like the U.S. faced in the Vietnam War, with 46 percent disagreeing,” CNN reports. Continue reading

Video: What the Vietnam anti-war movement stopped

The Vietnam war is a war of colonial conquest. The US took over the french. Instructed the south Vietnam leader to boycott the elected democratic north Vietnam leader. This inevitably leads to a false flag Gulf of Tonkin and a 20 years worthless war and the destruction of Cambodia and Laos. This clip is excerpted from the full length video called “Nuclear weapon and international disorder”. Continue reading

Obama’s “War on Terror”

The language is softened and deceptive. The strategy and tactics are not. The “war on terror” continues. Promised change is talk, not policy. Just look at Obama’s “war cabinet,” discussed in an earlier article. It assures:

— the “strongest military on the planet” by outspending all other countries combined;

— continued foreign wars; Continue reading

Phantoms in the Gulf of Tonkin

10 False Flags that Changed the World: #2

2Until 1964, Vietnam was not a U.S. war.

Sure, the U.S. had sent 400 special forces to train South Vietnamese troops in 1961. And more troops were sent to police the country in 1963. And every now and again U.S. newspapers printed photos of Buddhist monks setting themselves on fire in public.

But, even the threat of Communism toppling regimes like dominoes wasn’t good enough to sell a full-blown war. Until August 2… Continue reading

Daniel Ellsberg: The Next War

A hidden crisis is under way. Many government insiders are aware of serious plans for war with Iran, but Congress and the public remain largely in the dark. The current situation is very like that of 1964, the year preceding our overt, open-ended escalation of the Vietnam War, and 2002, the year leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Continue reading