Not So Strange Health-Care Bedfellows – Campaign for Liberty

One thing can be said in behalf of the health-insurance overhaul currently shaping up in Washington: it has revealed the curious bedfellows that politics creates. Congress almost certainly will pass a bill that compels every American to have medical insurance. If his employer doesn’t offer it, he’ll have to buy it himself or be fined. Continue reading

Video: Government Health Care – The Next Step On the Road to Tyranny and Slavery

(KurtNimmo) – Democrats deceptively argue that health care is legal under the commerce clause of the Constitution. The commerce clause relates to business, not individuals, but the Democrats have skewed the original purpose and intent of the Constitution. Continue reading

MSM: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid of Obama’s Latest Big Brother Plan

(Fox) – The Obama administration seeks to empower a very powerful government agency you have probably never heard of with new and expanded powers that will have a direct consequence on every American if they are successful in their efforts to implement national health care reforms. Continue reading

Kucinich: Why is it we have Finite Resources for Health Care but Unlimited Money for War?

Following a statement on the Floor of the House of Representative, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today made the following statement: Continue reading

Obama’s Health Care: “The Hell With the Constitution”

(CNSNews) – Best-selling author and conservative talk-radio host Mark Levin says that members of Congress who want to force Americans to buy health insurance–as both House and Senate versions of the health care plan would do–are saying “the hell with the Constitution.” Continue reading

Tea parties descend on Capitol Hill

(Politico) – Thousands of tea party activists descended on Washington Thursday to protest the trillion-dollar health care bill and government spending, holding signs protesting Barack Obama’s agenda while aiming chants of “You work for us” at the Capitol building. Continue reading