MSM: Top Scientists Predict Widespread Sterilization

(Times) – Nothing much is going to happen in the next 10 years. Of course, that’s not counting the diesel-excreting bacteria, the sequencing of your entire genome for $1,000, massive banks of frozen human eggs, space tourism, the identification of dark matter, widespread sterilisation of young adults, telepathy, supercomputer models of our brains, the discovery of life’s origins, maybe the disappearance of Bangladesh and certainly the loss of 247m acres of tropical forest. Continue reading

No Forest No Oxygen

Deforestation, or the removal of forests, is a major problem that has devastating effects all over the world. Europeans began clearing forests more than 500 years ago. The invention of modern machinery made the process even easier. Continue reading

MSM: Climate plan calls for forest expansion

(USAToday) – New forests would spread across the American landscape, replacing both pasture and farm fields, under a congressional plan to confront climate change, an Environmental Protection Agency analysis shows. Continue reading

Did JAMA Editors Threaten a Big Pharma Whistleblower?

(NaturalNews) – The American Medical Association (AMA) has launched an investigation into allegations that the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) used threats in an attempt to silence a professor who drew attention to a journal author’s failure to disclose a conflict of interest. Continue reading

MSM: Deadly fungus shuts US bat caves

Thousands of bat caves across America are to be boarded up by the US forest service to try to halt the spread of a mysterious condition which has killed up to half a million of the creatures. Continue reading