No Forest No Oxygen

Deforestation, or the removal of forests, is a major problem that has devastating effects all over the world. Europeans began clearing forests more than 500 years ago. The invention of modern machinery made the process even easier. Continue reading

Destruction of Nature Dwarfs Economic Losses of World’s Financial Institutions

The economic cost of global deforestation far outstrips the money being lost from the current financial crisis, according to the findings of a study commissioned by the European Union. Continue reading

Famed Social Sciences Author Jared Diamond Predicts 49 Percent Chance of Civilization Collapse

Jared Diamond is no doom-and-gloomer; he’s a Pulitzer Prize winning author of thoughtful, carefully researched books about the rise and fall of societies. Diamond is best known for Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (…) and Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (…), both of which are among my top-recommended books of all time. Continue reading

Tropical Forests Fight for Survival

Current rates of deforestation suggest there will hardly be any tropical forests left in 20 years. Sixty percent of the rainforests, which survived for 50 million consecutive years, are already gone. Continue reading