MSM: UN Boss Visits Globalist Seed Vault

(Breitbart) – UN chief Ban Ki-moon visited Wednesday a vault carved into the Arctic permafrost, filled with samples of the world’s most important seeds in case food crops are wiped out by a catastrophe. Continue reading

MSNBC Hard Sell Propaganda for H1N1 Soft Kill Vaccination

Dr. Nancy Snyderman, billed as chief medical editor at NBC News, says when the HHS bureaucrat Kathleen Sebelius speaks, we have to listen. Snyderman tells the talking heads on MSNBC that we should all line up and take our eugenics soft kill H1N1 vaccine. Continue reading

Film: The World According To Monsanto

The gigantic bio-tech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years. Continue reading

Tropical Forests Fight for Survival

Current rates of deforestation suggest there will hardly be any tropical forests left in 20 years. Sixty percent of the rainforests, which survived for 50 million consecutive years, are already gone. Continue reading

MSM: Nature loss ‘dwarfs bank crisis’

Rainforest in Kakum National Park, Ghana

Losses are great, and continuous, says the report

The global economy is losing more money from the disappearance of forests than through the current banking crisis, according to an EU-commissioned study.

It puts the annual cost of forest loss at between $2 trillion and $5 trillion.

The figure comes from adding the value of the various services that forests perform, such as providing clean water and absorbing carbon dioxide. Continue reading