MSM: The mini ice age starts here

(DailyMail) – The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists. Continue reading

MSM: Britain Faces Temperatures As Cold as the South Pole

(Fox) – As Britain shivers in temperatures as cold as the South Pole, forecasters are warning there is more to come. Continue reading

MSM: UN Boss Visits Globalist Seed Vault

(Breitbart) – UN chief Ban Ki-moon visited Wednesday a vault carved into the Arctic permafrost, filled with samples of the world’s most important seeds in case food crops are wiped out by a catastrophe. Continue reading

Afghanistan: Training Ground for War on Russia

A Swedish newspaper reported on July 24 that approximately 50 troops from the country serving under NATO in the so-called International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) had engaged in a fierce firefight in Northern Afghanistan and had killed three and wounded two attackers. Continue reading

Who Is Winning the Arctic Game of Monopoly?

There are five states competing for control of the Arctic’s oil and gas reserves, with Russia leading the pack. The US looks likely to remain on the sidelines, but what opportunities will the natural resource grab present for Canada, Norway and Greenland? Continue reading

MSM: Russia warns of war within a decade over Arctic oil and gas riches

(TIMES) – Russia raised the prospect of war in the Arctic yesterday as nations struggle for control of the world’s dwindling energy reserves. Continue reading

MSM: Antarctic ice cover ‘increasing due to hole in ozone layer’

Antarctic sea ice is growing rather than shrinking as a result of the hole in the ozone layer, scientists have said. Continue reading