Video: The Bohemian Grove Explained

(NorCalTruth) – This is the first of a series of rational discussions on the importance of the Bohemian Club, the powerful people that are a part of its membership, and the Bohemian Grove itself in Monte Rio, Ca.

This is being produced in order to balance the perception of the Bohemian Grove. Many rumors exists about what the Cremation of Care ceremony is and means, hopefully this puts many of those rumors to rest.

The goal of this film is also to keep the focus on the dots that we can connect: The powerful players, their positions in Government, business, military, banking or media institutions.

Many of these groups are representing, or serving the public – So why must they meet in private? Continue reading

China’s shopping spree

As Beijing exploits the mayhem in the global economy to pick up a growing list of natural resources bargains, should the West worry it is selling the family silver? Sarah Arnott reports Continue reading