Video: The Bohemian Grove Explained

(NorCalTruth) – This is the first of a series of rational discussions on the importance of the Bohemian Club, the powerful people that are a part of its membership, and the Bohemian Grove itself in Monte Rio, Ca.

This is being produced in order to balance the perception of the Bohemian Grove. Many rumors exists about what the Cremation of Care ceremony is and means, hopefully this puts many of those rumors to rest.

The goal of this film is also to keep the focus on the dots that we can connect: The powerful players, their positions in Government, business, military, banking or media institutions.

Many of these groups are representing, or serving the public – So why must they meet in private? Continue reading

Time for a U.S. Revolution – Fifteen Reasons – Bill Quigley

(InfoClearingHouse) – It is time for a revolution. Government does not work for regular people. It appears to work quite well for big corporations, banks, insurance companies, military contractors, lobbyists, and for the rich and powerful. But it does not work for people. Continue reading

To Know the End from the Beginning – Dog Poet Transmitting…….

I was trying to explain to someone once about what happens when you go too far down the road with alcohol and certain drugs. It’s no different than what happens with the intoxication of power; the pursuit of sexual satisfaction, gold fever and whatever obsession might come to mind. I was telling this fellow that it was similar to the way the water swirls in a toilet bowl. At first you encounter certain events and phenomena and there may be an exception that occurs once or twice. As you continue down, what was an exception becomes commonplace and then a new exception will occur. Then this exception becomes common place. The lower you swirl on the side of the bowl the more the environment changes until it suddenly gets very dark and then stays that way. Continue reading

Former CBS anchorman warns of corporate influence over news

On September 16, Dan Rather, the former anchor of the CBS Evening News, warned that today’s news is shaped by very powerful corporate network owners who “are in bed with powerful political interests” that are influenced by government regulatory interests. Continue reading

More War, Please – Campaign for Liberty

In “Julius Caesar” Shakespeare’s Brutus counsels “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken on the flood, leads on to fortune.” Shakespeare was describing how powerful men seeking yet more power, blinded by hubris, collectively brought about the destruction of the very republic that they claimed to love. Continue reading

Ignorance in America

Ignorance is pervasive in America; it affects the rich as well as the poor, the powerful and the powerless, the famous as well as the obscure. It’s prevalent in the suites of our nation’s CEOs, the Congress, the military, and even our universities. It defines this nation. Continue reading