Video: Arnold Shwarzenegger arrives at the Bohemian Grove. July 30, 2010

(NorCalTruth) – Ca. Governor Arnold Shwarzenegger came to the Bohemian Grove on July 30, 2010 to deliver a mysterious “lakeside talk.”

Mysterious only because the title of the lakeside talk was “to be announced.” Continue reading

Video: Schwarzenegger, Murdoch Give Keynote Speeches At The Bohemian Grove

See Also: (PressDemo) – Schwarzenegger to Address Elite at Bohemian GroveRead More Here

(SteveWatson) – California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is to make a keynote address this evening before the Annual Bohemian Club secret gathering – a lifetime achievement for a man who has long been groomed for power by the globalist elite.

Schwarzenegger will speak in front of hundreds of movers and shakers at the 2,700-acre wooded encampment along the Russian River in Monte Rio. Continue reading

Weighty guests arrive for annual Bohemian Grove

(PressDemocrat) – Some of the world’s wealthiest and most prominent begin arriving today for the annual encampment at the Bohemian Grove, a gathering some describe as a benign men’s club and others as an insidious gathering of power.

The encampment is expected to have 2,000 attendees at any one time, a guest list that has included U.S. presidents and foreign heads of state, politicians, industrial barons, actors, artists and musicians.

As in the past, their identities and a description of the programs are closely guarded by officials of the San Francisco-based Bohemian Club. Continue reading

Video: The Bohemian Grove Explained

(NorCalTruth) – This is the first of a series of rational discussions on the importance of the Bohemian Club, the powerful people that are a part of its membership, and the Bohemian Grove itself in Monte Rio, Ca.

This is being produced in order to balance the perception of the Bohemian Grove. Many rumors exists about what the Cremation of Care ceremony is and means, hopefully this puts many of those rumors to rest.

The goal of this film is also to keep the focus on the dots that we can connect: The powerful players, their positions in Government, business, military, banking or media institutions.

Many of these groups are representing, or serving the public – So why must they meet in private? Continue reading

BBC Attack Piece Promotes Cottage Industry Of Debunkers

Self professed “skeptics” claim they promote critical thinking while doing the exact opposite Continue reading

Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet This Week for Satanic Rituals

The Satanist cult that has colonized mankind is meeting this week at Bohemian Grove 80 miles north of San Francisco. Continue reading

Protest at Bohemian Grove July 11-12, 2009

July 11th and 12th. 10 am to 5 pm. Bohemian Grove.
This years elite retreat at Bohemian Grove is fast approaching. Many of the Grove’s guests will be flying into Santa Rosa Airport on the 10th of July, a Friday. They will travel West towards a small town called Monte Rio via highway 116, or River Road to discuss events and policy in private. Continue reading

Owl of Wisdom: Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Schlaraffia, James Gordon Bennett Jr.

Pallas Athene (or Minerva to the Romans), the goddess of wisdom, honored the owl as her sacred bird. The owl was recognized as an emblem of penetrating sight and intelligence. It was considered to be a favorable omen if an owl was spotted on the battle field or at times of crisis. The Athenian silver tetradrachm bore the owl (Athene noctua); and owls were protected and thrived in great numbers at the Acropolis of Athens (a temple dedicated to Athena). Continue reading