Olympic Fanfare Reigns as Our Precious Freedoms are Lost

(Infowars) – Where has benevolence, charity, long-suffering, virtue, and the love of freedom gone? Has the love of idle pursuits replaced the love of true wisdom guided by an endless search for universal truth? Continue reading

A spiritual conspiracy

The word conspiracy (con + spire) actually means to breathe together. The poetic essay below is an inspiring reminder that we are being deliciously enveloped by a growing spiritual conspiracy. Continue reading

Owl of Wisdom: Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Schlaraffia, James Gordon Bennett Jr.

Pallas Athene (or Minerva to the Romans), the goddess of wisdom, honored the owl as her sacred bird. The owl was recognized as an emblem of penetrating sight and intelligence. It was considered to be a favorable omen if an owl was spotted on the battle field or at times of crisis. The Athenian silver tetradrachm bore the owl (Athene noctua); and owls were protected and thrived in great numbers at the Acropolis of Athens (a temple dedicated to Athena). Continue reading