Our Future In Chains: The For-Profit Debtors’ Prison System

(ActivistPost) – Debtors’ prisons have a sordid history that was thought to be best left behind in Medieval Europe and in Charles Dickens’ fictionalized accounts of the 19th-century hellholes of Victorian England.  America was not to be outdone, debtors’ prisons were widespread in the United States as well, and stories of the conditions in New York’s debtors’ prisons could make one question if repayment of debts was really the purpose; violent criminals were much better clothed and fed.  In fact, history shows that terror and slavery have always had a close relationship with debt, and it follows a path from the Romans right through to 17th century England, and into America from English common law.  However, America chose to abolish her debtors’ prisons a full 36 years before England; first in New York in 1831, and by 1833 the rest of the America had followed. Continue reading

McCain’s Dietary Supplement Bill: An Attempt to Implement Codex Alimentarius

(Infowars) – A bill recently introduced to the U.S. Senate, the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 (S. 3002), by Senators John McCain and Byron Dorgan is possibly the most direct assault on natural health freedom we have seen for some time. If passed into law, this bill would require all dietary supplement manufacturers, distributors, and holders all the way down to the retail store level to be comprehensively registered. It would also allow for the arbitrary banning of nutritional supplements by the FDA and the introduction of deceitful reporting of adverse events related to them. Continue reading

AE911Truth: From the Golden Gate to Ground Zero for the 8th Anniversary of 9/11

Richard Gage, AIA, founder and CEO of the non-profit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), presented a 40-minute version of the two-hour presentation 9/11: Blueprint for Truth to a sold-out crowd at the prestigious Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco on Tuesday, Continue reading

Pharma Pushing Virus Theory for Blood Pressure: Thinly-Veiled Attempt to Push “Blood Pressure Vaccine”

(NaturalNews) – A new study suggesting that a common virus might play a role in hypertension has some suggesting that a vaccine might be developed against high blood pressure. Continue reading

Swine Flu: Path to Martial Law?

Could a form of martial law be imminent?  Obama appears ready to cross the Rubicon, and all he needs is a killer virus.

Let’s connect some dots. Continue reading

Thomas Paine v. the Right’s Torture Defenders

What every American should be made to learn about the IG Torture Report Continue reading

Video: Larry Flynt Goes Public – Exposes Obama-NWO-David Rockefeller

Texan bulldawg covers Hustler Owner Larry Flynt’s article in the huffingtonpost…  Read the full article here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/larry-f… Continue reading

Castle Doctrine Dies In Texas

So much for English common law and Sir Edward Coke’s dictum that a man’s home is his refuge and castle. “For a man’s house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium [and each man’s home is his safest refuge],” Coke wrote in 1628. Continue reading

MSM: Judge’s ruling could reveal Gitmo secrets in late July

(CNN) – The U.S. government cannot collectively seal its records in more than 100 cases involving the indefinite detention of suspects held at the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba, a federal judge ruled Monday. Continue reading

Don’t Be Fooled by Inflation – Peter Schiff

By throwing money at the problem, all the government is creating is inflation. Although this can often look like growth, it is no more capable of creating wealth than a hall of mirrors is capable of creating people. Continue reading

Obama’s leap to socialism

President Obama showed his hand this week when The New York Times wrote that he is considering converting the stock the government owns in our country’s banks from preferred stock, which it now holds, to common stock. Continue reading

Video: Common Purpose – “Re-Engineering” UK For A New World Order

Brian Gerrish, is a former naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert, who, together with colleagues throughout the country, has conducted detailed research into ‘Common Purpose’, a mysterious collective which seeks to by-pass the British democratic system by setting up unelected quangoes with extreme European federalist agendas. According to Gerrish, there is now almost no strata of the BBC, NHS, local government, police forces, regional structures, armed forces, government departments, communications media and industry, which has not in some way been infiltrated or influenced by Common Purpose and other related initiatives designed to weaken British sovereignty and increase outside control. Continue reading