Gaza News

(FutureFastForward) – Turkish Doctor Describes Treating Israeli Commandos During Raid – By Robert Mackey and Sebnem Arsu

In an interview with The New York Times, Dr. Hasan Huseyin Uysal, a Turkish doctor, said that he treated Israeli commandos who were captured and briefly detained during the initial stages of a raid on a ship challenging Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza last week. Read More Here

(Zaman) – EP condemns Israeli attack, illegal siege on Gaza strip – Read More Here

(PressTV) – Lebanon, Egypt condemn Israeli threat – Read More Here

(RadicalPress) – Time for world to confront Israel: Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon Interviewed by Shabana Syed: “I come from them, and I know how they think.” Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Anti-Palestinism is Hate Speech

I bet you’ve never heard of anti-Palestinism? In Israel and the United States, defaming and delegitimizing the Palestinians is a national sport; but have you ever heard anybody complain about it? Read More Here

(AlJazeera) – The meaning of strangulation

The remarks were not made in anger or haste, as were the now infamous, flippant and ill-conceived comments that cost White House reporter Helen Thomas her job, if not her legacy. Instead, they were made quite deliberately, with an air of thoughtfulness, while leaning over a lectern, as if lecturing to a class.

Thomas was forced into retirement for declaring that Jews “should get the hell out of Palestine,” but New York Senator Chuck Schumer, one of the most powerful politicians in the US, has avoided any criticism or even major press coverage for remarks he made only days later that supported the continued “economic strangulation” of Gaza; in part, because, he essentially argues, the inhabitants of the benighted Strip are not Jewish. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Roseanne Barr Says Israel Must End Their Blockade and Occupation of Gaza

“It is time for American Jews to demand that Obama instruct Israel to obey international law.” Read More Here

(ForeignPolicyJournal) – Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Myth #1 – Jews and Arabs have always been in conflict in the region. – Read More Here

(PressTV) – Turkey to cut ‘all ties’ with Israel – Read More Here

(AlethoNewsA) – Those who want to bump off the witnesses of the slaughter

What we have here is pure incitement to killing, furnished also with the photos of those “wanted”. It’s really inconceivable that the site is still online. We demand that the Italian Government and Foreign Office take steps right now to call for it to be immediately closed and to bring those responsible to court. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Eyewitness to the Israeli Assault on the Mavi Marmara

Kevin Neish, a Canadian activist aboard the Mavi Marmara, witnessed the Israeli commando assault on the Flotilla bound for Gaza. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Embargoes and Blockades used as a Method of Warfare – Read More Here

(JPost) – Israel fears Lebanese ‘fast’ flotilla

“There is not a lot of time to stop fast ships that come from Lebanon,” an IDF officer explained, “Practically, it means that the Navy has to be on high alert around the clock.” Read More Here

(Spiegel) – German Activists File War Crimes Complaints – Read More Here

(SIFY) – More international flotillas headed for Gaza Strip

Ships from several countries, including Iran and Lebanon, have reportedly left or are planning to leave for Hamas-controlled Gaza in defiance of an Israeli maritime blockade on that territory. Read More Here

Video: Kenneth O’Keefe 6-9 on Gaza Flotilla, Israeli Beating, and Zionist Government

Phil Tourney joins the show as we interview Ken O’Keefe, the former US Marine who was aboard the Mavi Marmara that was murderously attacked by Israel on Memorial Day. Video Link Here

FLASHBACK – Film: Noam Chomsky Palestine Israel occupation 101

Movie clip from award-winning documentary film ‘Occupation 101.’
A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unlike any other film ever produced on the conflict — ‘Occupation 101’ presents a comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the never ending controversy and dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions. Clip Link Here

(CBCTheNational) – Video: Life In Gaza City – Continue reading

World War

(Aljazeera) – Video: Israel’s Gaza PR offensive

While boats battle to get through the siege of Gaza, Gazans can eat out in fancy restaurants and have no need of aid. That’s what Israel has been telling journalists, at least. Sherine Tadros picks apart the media campaign.

(LewRockwell) – Is the U.S. Government Planning War to Quell the Tide of Economic Unrest?

In my opinion and in a word: Yes! Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Paul Craig Roberts: Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, Paul Craig Roberts talked about the shameful abandonment of POWs by the U.S. government. Roberts mentioned an article by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sydney Schanberg posted on the American Conservative website entitled McCain and the POW Cover-Up. Read More Here

(AFP) – Russia wants ‘100% proof’ N.Korea sunk ship

Russia will not support efforts to punish North Korea for sinking a South Korean warship until it is fully convinced Pyongyang was behind the incident, a foreign ministry spokesman said Thursday. Read More Here

(AmericanConservative) – Hundreds Of POW’s Left To Die In Vietnam, Abandoned By Their Government – Read More Here

(Gowans) – The sinking of the Cheonan: Another Gulf of Tonkin incident

While the South Korean government announced on May 20 that it has overwhelming evidence that one of its warships was sunk by a torpedo fired by a North Korean submarine, there is, in fact, no direct link between North Korea and the sunken ship. And it seems very unlikely that North Korea had anything to do with it. Read More Here

Video: Ron Paul – Video Update – Military Spending

Congressman Paul discusses upcoming military expenditures, foreign policy and our economy. Recorded Tuesday May 25, 2010 – View Video Here

(Redress) – Framing Pakistan: how the pro-Israel media enables India’s surrogate warfare – Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Proximity Talks Hide a Reality of Failure and Land Theft

Headlines last week that the Palestinian Authority (PA) was offering bigger than expected concessions on land to Israel might give the uninformed reader the impression that Palestinians are the ones occupying Israeli territory from which they are being asked to withdraw. Read More Here

(LockheedMartin) – DARPA Awards Lockheed Martin $3.9M Contract to Develop Advanced Rifle Scope for Soldiers

The Dynamic Image Gunsight Optic or DInGO system will enable soldiers to accurately view targets at varying distances without changing scopes or suffering a decrease in optical resolution. The system will enhance soldiers’ ability to accurately hit targets at a range of between three and 600 meters. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – End the Blockade in Gaza

Normally, such a goodwill mission would seem entirely innocuous. But in this case the crisis afflicting Palestinian civilians has been created by foreign policy: It is a product of Israel’s decision to besiege Gaza in defiance of international law and of United States support for this blockade. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Dangerous Emulations

Perhaps, the worst punishment besides death meted out against the Palestinian population by Israel is the demolition of their homes. It is cruel, inhumane and humiliating. We have seen far too many pictures of wailing women and distraught men standing beside a heap of rubble and mangled steel, a book caught between two bricks or a dolly’s arm stretching out grotesquely from between iron bars. Read More Here

(Ning) – Israel: Aiding Gaza provocative act

A top Israeli official has described launching an international convoy to carry humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip as an act of provocation.
“The sail is a provocative act that is unnecessary in light of the figures, which indicate that the humanitarian situation in Gaza is good and stable,” AFP quoted Colonel Moshe Levy, who heads the Gaza coordination and liaison office, as saying on Wednesday.
This is while a survey conducted by the United Nations Development Program showed that the continued Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip has been the main cause of the slow pace of reconstruction and aid relief. Read More Here

(RiaNov) – UPDATE: Russia sends its mightiest warships for drills in Far East

Flagships of three Russian fleets have united in Russia’s Far East for the large-scale naval exercises in the Sea of Japan in June, a Pacific Fleet spokesman said on Wednesday. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Israeli Warplanes Strike Gaza – Read More Here

(Independent) – US to launch covert strikes on terror targets

The US has authorised a sweeping expansion of covert military operations in the Middle East and Africa, aimed at destroying terrorist networks in the region, and preparing the ground ahead of any presidential decision to attack Iran. Read More Here

(Kuna) – Israeli troops demolish biggest UNRWA summer camp in Gaza

Israeli armed troops Sunday attacked one of the largest camps set up by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on the shores of Gaza Strip.
An agency spokesman, Adnan Abu Hasna, told KUNA that the attack on the camp took place in Sheikh Al-Ajlan area in eastern Gaza.
“The destroyed camp was among camps that organize ‘summer games’ for Palestinian school children,” he added. The UNRWA camps also offer educational programs, music, art, and physical education activities, he noted.
The UNRWA organizes coastal summer camps to help alleviate some of the tension Palestinian children have to suffer due to their living conditions. – Source; Kuna

(AlManar) – Gaza Mission Activist: It’s Just Like Facing Nazis

Eight ships are already making their way through the Mediterranean towards the Gaza Strip in the framework of a European aid mission – with activists aboard the vessels likening their work to the anti-Nazi effort during World War II. Read More Here

(DesertPeace) – An American Jew In Israel Who Refuses To Keep Quiet

Attorney Emily Schaeffer immigrated to Israel to defend the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank. ‘I guess most Israelis would view me as a traitor,’ she says, ‘but I don’t intend to keep quiet just because I came from afar’ Continue reading

‘Israel may drag US into new war’

(PressTV) – Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has expressed fears that Israel may attempt to involve the US in a new aggression against Lebanon or the Gaza Strip.

“Because of Israel’s current disagreements with the US, the Israeli side could get the US involved in what is a ‘crazy move,'” Berri was quoted as saying by Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat . Continue reading

IOF troops round up 1,400 Palestinians in 3 months

(Uruknet) – The higher national committee in support of prisoners on Sunday said that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) had detained more than 1,400 Palestinians in the first quarter of 2010 including 90 from the Gaza Strip. Continue reading

MSM: Israel pounds Gaza with missiles

(AlJazeera) – Three children have been reported injured in eastern Gaza City after Israeli aircraft carried out a series of missile attacks across the Palestinian territory.

Palestinian hospital officials said the children were injured by flying debris after the air raids that came in the early hours of Friday. Continue reading

World War

(Alternet) – Shocking Admission on Killing Civilians by Top US General Almost Completely Ignored by Corporate Media

“We have shot an amazing number of people, but to my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a threat,” says Afghan commander McChrystal. – Read More Here

(Aletho) – “Reporting” on Iran should seem familiar – Read More Here

(PBS) – Video: MLK – A Call to Conscience

The second episode of Tavis Smiley Reports examines Martin Luther King, Jr.’s stand against the Vietnam War and the influence of his legacy today. Tavis speaks with scholars and friends of King, including Cornel West, Vincent Harding and Susannah Heschel. View Video Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Our Government Is Planning to Stay at War for the Next 80 Years – Anyone Got a Problem with That? – Read More Here

(FinancialTimes) – Nukes? Now Iran is Threat to World Economy, Says Obama

Barack Obama on Tuesday warned that a conflict in the Middle East set off by Iran’s nuclear programme could destabilise the world economy as he and Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, stepped up their push for sanctions on Tehran. Read More Here

(GeorgianDaily) – Russia Tries to Find ‘Georgia Link’ in the Moscow Metro Blasts – Read More Here

(WorldJewishCongress) – Obama, Sarkozy want new Iran sanctions in place “within weeks” – Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Palestinians: IDF drops leaflets over Gaza warning of imminent attack

The Israel Defense Forces on Thursday denied Palestinian reports that its troops had disseminated notices over a residential area of the Gaza Strip warning of an upcoming military strike. Read More Here

(ABCNews) – EXCLUSIVE: Iran Nuclear Scientist Defects to U.S. In CIA ‘Intelligence Coup’ – Read More Here

(VoiceofRussia) – Behind the Talks: US-NATO Prepare Confrontation in the Arctic

Moscow regards as inadmissible the prospects for a military presence in the Arctic region. It’s no secret at all that in recent years quite a number of states in the West, including the USA, have unveiled their plans to build at least 66 warships to be used for conducting hostilities in the Arctic region. Read More Here

Breaking News: Gaza War

(AlJazeera) – Israel pounds Gaza with missiles

Three children have been reported injured in eastern Gaza City after Israeli aircraft carried out a series of missile strikes across the Palestinian territory. Read More Here

(BBC) – Thirteen Israeli air strikes hit Gaza Strip

Israeli planes have carried out 13 air strikes on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, Palestinian sources have told the BBC. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Israeli planes and helicopters mount Gaza attacks

Israeli planes and helicopters mounted at least seven missile attacks on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Friday, destroying what a military spokesman described as Palestinian munitions sites. Four air strikes blew up two caravans near the town of Khan Younis, witnesses and Hamas officials said. There were no casualties. Read More Here

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Video: Hamas Releases Footage Of ‘Gaza Clashes’ – Video Link Here

We Must Never Forget Gaza

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Despite a slight improvement in the general humanitarian situation, the Gaza Strip remains a disaster area. In fact, in terms of the sheer destruction of homes and infrastructure, the coastal enclave can be compared to quake-stricken Haiti, with the main difference lying in the fact that while the Caribbean island’s calamity was a natural disaster, the Gaza disaster was inflicted by the criminal Israeli regime. Continue reading

Video: Gaza – Did You Know?

On December 27, 2008, Israel launched an Assault on the Gaza Strip. The attack of Dec. 27 caused the deadliest one-day death toll in 60 years of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Over 3 weeks, 1,417 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed Continue reading

Obama Pledges Another $215 Million For Virtual Strip Search Scanners

(PaulWatson) – But historical record clearly shows that devices are a completely illegal violation of human rights Continue reading

Video: Gaza. Closed Zone

Despite declarations that it has “disengaged” from the Gaza Strip, Israel maintains control of the Strip’s overland border crossings, territorial waters, and air space. This includes substantial, albeit indirect, control of the Rafah Crossing. Continue reading

Gaza: 75 Deformed Babies Caused by the War

(PalTelegraph) – Recent scientific analysis have shown that the war was a direct cause of the increasing numbers of birth defects, miscarriages and cancer in the Gaza Strip. Continue reading

US offers support for anti-Palestinian steel walls

(PressTV) – The United States has offered its full-fledged support for the building of a wall by Egypt to disrupt the Gaza Strip’s lifeline that moves basic items underground past the Israeli-imposed blockade. Continue reading

Breaking News: Israeli F16s attack Northern, Western, Southern and Middle Gaza Now

(PalTelegraph) – A massive explosion took place few moments ago western Gaza City, in Tal Al Hawa neighborhood. Eyewitness reported that Israeli F16s launched an aerial attack midnight. The attack was followed by a series of air raids. Continue reading

UN warns of the collapse of Gaza’s water supplies

A UN agency has warned of the danger of the collapse of the underground water system in the Gaza Strip. In a report, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) claims that over-use and contamination as a result of the Israeli war against Gaza a year ago is having a damaging effect on water supplies upon which 1.5 million people depend. Pollution, says the UNEP, is so bad that Gaza’s children are at risk of nitrate poisoning. Test at nine private wells showed that nitrate levels exceed World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines of 50 milligrams per litre; one well had a level of 331 milligrams per litre. High levels of nitrates can cause “blue baby syndrome”. Continue reading

Gaza sees more newborns of malformation

(Xinhua) – Um Hamza, a 22-year-old pregnant woman, from Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza Strip, woke up at night numerous times during the 22-day Israeli war which ended on Jan. 18, sniffing the smell of gas. Continue reading

Video: ‘Birth defects’ from Israeli bombs

(AlJazeera) – Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in 2006 and last winter have left a high concentration of toxic metals in its soil, according to the findings of a weapons research group made up of independent doctors and scientists based in Italy. Continue reading

Middle East News – Palestine & Israel

(PressTV) – Galloway raps Egypt for stopping Gaza aid convoy

British Lawmaker George Galloway has criticized Egypt over denying the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid convoy to enter the Gaza Strip. Read More Here

Video: Gaza 2009 – We Will Never Forget

Eye opening montage of news clips and photos that tell the truth about the events in Gaza. Video Link Here

Video: Gaza 2009 – Operation Cast Lead

Some things you may not know about the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the actions of the Israeli government. Video Link Here

Witness: Wife, brothers give accounts of Israeli assassinations

Family members of the three slain Fatah members gave testimony around the last moments of their loved ones lives on Saturday, hours after the men were assassinated by Israeli forces in their own homes in Nablus. Read More Here

Israel returns to Assassinations Policy

Six Palestinians were killed in two separate incidents by the Israeli forces in Gaza and the West Bank. Three of the Palestinians were assassinated in Nablus at the West Bank. According to Israeli sources, Ghasan Abu Sharkh, Raed Sarkaji and Anan Suboh took part in the last attack which resulted in killing an Israeli settler in the West Bank. Read More Here

(MikeRivero) – U.S. shipped 989 munitions containers to Israel week before Gaza invasion

In the dying days of the Bush administration, and a week before Israel launched an aerial bombing campaign, followed by a land invasion of the Gaza Strip, the U.S. military shipped 989 containers of munitions to Israel. Read More Here

( – Cast Lead 2

DID WE win? Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the Gaza War, alias Operation Cast Lead, and this question fills the public space. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel summons envoys from all over the world

Israel’s ambassadors and consuls generals from all over the world have been summoned to attend a conference to be held over global challenges facing Israel. Read More Here

Israel threatens another large-scale Gaza war

(PressTV) – Israel has threatened another massive war against the Gaza Strip as the impoverished enclave continues to suffer in the aftermath of the devastating January offensive. Continue reading

Farming banned on Gaza lands affected by ‘chemical weapons’

(Uruknet) – Farming and grazing in certain areas bombed by the Israeli military during last winter’s war on Gaza has been banned by the Strip’s Ministry of Agriculture for fear of contamination by toxic chemicals, a report released Monday revealed. Continue reading

Wall on Gaza Violates International Law

The collusion between Egypt and the U.S. to build a wall separating Egypt from Gaza not only threatens Gazans’ health and quality of life, already severely deteriorated by the de facto Israeli blockade, it is a serious violation of international law. Continue reading

The Concentration Camp That Is Gaza

An internment camp is a confined establishment meant on housing individuals for punishment, and as made clear in the above definition the centre is typically crowded, exploited and the civilians are under complete restraint. Continue reading

How Israel bought off UN’s war crimes probe

Israel celebrated at the weekend its success at the United Nations in forcing the Palestinians to defer demands that the International Criminal Court investigate allegations of war crimes committed by Israel during its winter assault on the Gaza Strip. Continue reading

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

This report on Israeli human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) coincides with the 9th anniversary of the al-Aqsa Intifada, which erupted following the former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s provocative visit to the al-Aqsa Mosque (the Holy Sanctuary) in occupied Jerusalem. Continue reading

The Free Gaza Movement – Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

We all remember the brutal Israeli attacks against Gaza last year. Many of us were outraged by the killings of some 1,300 Gazan Palestinian, men, women, the disabled, the children, the sick and the maimed.Hospitals and schools were destroyed. Continue reading

It’s Tents for Most Homeless Families in Gaza, Prefabricated Huts for the Lucky Few

Despite the parade of various international diplomats and aid workers surveying the destruction in Gaza, virtually nothing has changed since Israel ended in January its Operation Cast Lead assault—peversely named after a line in a children’s Hannukah poem. Israel launched its assault on Dec. 27, 2008, during the Jewish religious festival. Continue reading

MSM: Israel admits white phosphorus use

(Al Jazeera) – Israel has admitted to using white phosphorus during its war on the Gaza Strip earlier this year, but says it did so in accordance with international law. Continue reading

Ehud Barak warns Iran of possible Israeli strike on nuclear facilities

(Times) – With the US Defence Secretary standing at his side, Ehud Barak, Israel’s Defence Minister, today warned Iran that a military strike on its nuclear facilities was still an option. Continue reading

Israel hopes to colonize parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’

Israeli expansionists, their intentions to take full control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and permanently keep the Golan Heights of Syria and expand into southern Lebanon already well known, also have their eyes on parts of Iraq considered part of a biblical “Greater Israel.” Continue reading

Video: Galloway Speaks From Gaza

(PressTV) – At approximately 1820GMT on July 15 2009, the Viva Palestina US Convoy finally crossed into Gaza from the Rafah Crossing in Egypt. Headed up by the British Member of Parliament, George Galloway as well as former Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney, the convoy was due to bring over US$1million of AID and humanitarian assistance into the besieged Gaza Strip. Due to problems created by the Mobarak Regime in Egypt they were finally only able to cross with half of that amount of aid. Continue reading

Israeli Navy in Suez Canal Prepares for Potential Attack on Iran

Two Israeli missile class warships have sailed through the Suez Canal ten days after a submarine capable of launching a nuclear missile strike, in preparation for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Continue reading

ICRC: Israel Traps Gazans in Deprivation and Despair

Founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1863, the International Committee of the Red Cross is an “impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance.” It also tries “to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.” Continue reading

MSM: Israel troops speak out on Gaza war

(Aljazeera) – Some troops fighting in Israel’s war on Gaza were urged by their commanders to shoot first rather than worry about killing civilians, a document from an Israeli activist group shows. Continue reading

Viva Palestina Crosses into Gaza! – Viva Palestina!!

The convoy got through!!!!! While we gathered at the Egyptian Mission to the UN one of the women got a call from Galloway, Barron & McKinney announcing that an agreement was reached – everything could go through but the trucks. They could unload the trucks and bring everything into Gaza at the crossing but the trucks couldn’t be donated. Continue reading

Egypt stops Gaza-bound medical convoy

Egyptian authorities have refused to allow ‘Viva Palestina’ activists trying to carry humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip to cross into the Sinai Peninsula. Continue reading

Independence, Interdependence and HUMANITY

“It appears as though the Israeli government is drilling for natural gas in the buffer zone. That gas belongs to the people of Gaza. It seems to be one of their reasons for stopping us, perhaps they’re worried that we may go back and tell the world what we have seen.” Continue reading

How can I not be angry?

In Gaza where the blockade affected every aspect of the people lives, and where the frequent Israeli operations leave no chance for a peaceful life, people found themselves with a direct confrontation with all types of negative feelings that can be acquired no matter how hard they tried not to be affected. Continue reading

MSM: Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

(AFP) – Amnesty International on Thursday accused Israeli forces of war crimes, saying they used children as human shields and conducted wanton attacks on civilians during their offensive in the Gaza Strip. Continue reading

The “Spirit of Humanity – Paul Craig Roberts

On June 30, the government of Israel committed an act of piracy when the Israeli Navy in international waters illegally boarded the “Spirit of Humanity,” kidnapped its 21-person crew from 11 countries, including former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Nobel Laureate Mairead MaGuire, and confiscated the cargo of medical supplies, olive trees, reconstruction materials, and children’s toys that were on the way to the Mediterranean coast of Gaza. Continue reading

Report: Israeli Drones Targeted Civilians During Gaza War

Human Rights Watch released a report today on the Israeli military’s use of drone-launched missiles during the war against the Gaza Strip. The report details multiple instances of Israel targeting civilians and suggests that the nation was not living up to international legal standards with respect to verifying the nature of its targets. Continue reading