Pittsburgh: Beta Test for a Police State

The G-20 police response in Pittsburgh was a beta test. “We spent months getting ready for this and it was a lot of preparation, but we’ll see the dividends of that for a long time to come,” Public Safety Director Michael Huss told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Continue reading

Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Government is Planning Mass Graves in Case of H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic

(MichelChossudovsky) – An official UK government report – quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media – is warning the British public that there will be countless deaths in the case of a swine flu pandemic. According to the WHO, a Worlwide public health emergency situation will take place in the Fall. Continue reading

MSM: PLANS for mass graves have been drawn up to cope with a second wave of swine flu this Autumn

(TheSunUK) – The chilling proposals are spelled out in a Home Office document discussed at a meeting of Whitehall officials and council leaders last month. Continue reading

Predictive Programming: TV Movie Shows Riots, Quarantines and Mass Graves For Pandemic Flu

The massive preparation of government for what they say is an imminent pandemic this fall, triggered my memory of images of riots, quarantines, and mass graves that appeared in a made-for-TV movie about a pandemic flu outbreak. My analysis of the film will contain detailed descriptions of the movie Continue reading

Israeli Navy in Suez Canal Prepares for Potential Attack on Iran

Two Israeli missile class warships have sailed through the Suez Canal ten days after a submarine capable of launching a nuclear missile strike, in preparation for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Continue reading

Pesticides and preservatives causing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other ailments

Many chemicals we commonly use are suspected of generating this increase in brain proteins, including pesticides, fertilizers and food preservatives. A new study found that a chemical ingredient that has been used as a food preservative contributes to several diseases. Continue reading

S. 969 – The Attacking Viral Influenza Across Nations Act of 2005 – Barack Obama

On April 29, Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) introduced S. 969, the Attacking Viral Influenza Across Nations Act of 2005. The bill would amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to preparation for an influenza pandemic, including an avian influenza pandemic, and for other purposes. Continue reading

MSM: ‘IDF staged drills over Gibraltar, in preparation for Iran strike’

The Israel Air Force recently staged military exercises between Israel and the British colony of Gibraltar near southern Spain, the French magazine L’Express reported on Saturday. Continue reading