Video: Predictive Programming? Gulf Oil Rig Explosion in “Knowing”

More than a few people have noted the Illuminati symbolism in the film “Knowing” starring Nicholas Cage (see a run-down here). But as the video below demonstrates, there may also be predictive programming in the film in regard to the recent oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico.

Coincidence? You decide. Continue reading

Precrime in Florida: IBM Predictive Analytics

(IBM) – SPSS, an IBM (NYSE: IBM) Company, today announced that the Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice selected IBM predictive analytics software to better understand, predict behaviors and properly assign rehabilitation programs for the state’s juvenile justice system.

More than 85,000 youth enter the juvenile justice system in Florida each year for varying degrees of offenses – from drug abuse to robbery or property crimes. As each youth enters the system for a different reason and with varying backgrounds, the best program for positive rehabilitation is very specific – what may work for one juvenile may not work for another. The goal of the collaboration with IBM is to apply analysis to predict the best programs and rehabilitation for each juvenile offender based on their crime and background. Continue reading

Video: Violence In Video Games

Shocking similarities between violence in video games and actual war footage are undeniable. Is this a case of predictive programming? Are they shaping our perception to accept and furthermore proliferate violence. Yes we come from a violent past and the attempt at ‘realism’ is a component here. But there is a fine line between realism and glorification. And still the thinner line of mind control.

At the crossroads of civilization, where do we go from here? Do we continue with our government prescribed brainwashing? Do we continue to plug into these corrupt media nodes? Continue reading

Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will Not Be Televised

(Pupaganda) – A flow of information is constantly streaming from the television set; a bombardment of words and pictures.  The speed at which this information is communicated makes it easy for the signal to take control, switching the viewer’s brain to stand-by as information is absorbed without analysis or question. Today the television’s constant signal shapes the conclusions of the masses and produces the collective norm. Continue reading

Red Dawn 2010

Is it predictive programming or just another cheesy Hollywood remake? Dan Bradley’s remake of the classic 1984 movie Red Dawn is now underway in Detroit, Michigan. It will be released next September. Continue reading

MSM: How predictive texting takes its toll on a child’s brain

(DailyMail) – Predictive text messaging changes the way children’s brains work and makes them more likely to make mistakes generally, a study has found. Continue reading

Predictive Programming: TV Movie Shows Riots, Quarantines and Mass Graves For Pandemic Flu

The massive preparation of government for what they say is an imminent pandemic this fall, triggered my memory of images of riots, quarantines, and mass graves that appeared in a made-for-TV movie about a pandemic flu outbreak. My analysis of the film will contain detailed descriptions of the movie Continue reading

Video: Predictive Programming? Euthanasia, Sterilization in 1971 Movie

Zero Population Growth or Z.P.G. starring Oliver Reed, made 1971 Continue reading

Predictive Programming 2.0: Operation Blackjack

In January of this year the London Telegraph began featuring several graphics under the name operation blackjack. The images themselves are artistically inferior, depicting major ‘terrorist’ attacks both in Europe and the continental United States. But the artistry- or lack of it- is less interesting than the intent. Continue reading

The New World Order: In their Own Words

In the wake of the last Bilderberg conference, we bare witness to a great darkening front closing in on us yet another few inches toward total world domination. The alert observers saw it coming for a long time; the thoroughly indoctrinated are only now beginning to sense that something is rotten in the state of Denmark. How could this have happened without us knowing? And where were the media during our collective comatose suspension? Continue reading

Brazen NWO Predictive Programming

The following photographs, which I took at the newspaper rack of my local store this morning, reveal the preparatory meme* seeding for the on-going Control System gear shift. Brazen in-your-face programming. Continue reading