Federal Judge Cites Voting Rights Act to Rig Election in New York State

(KurtNimmo) – Remember when Rand Paul said he opposed aspects of the Voting Rights Act? Paul was taken to the woodshed by the corporate media and made out to be a racist for his opposition. Gremlins came out of the woodwork and lambasted him, including well-paid gremlins over at the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post.

“This is the worst possible way Paul could have introduced himself to the nation at this particular moment,” Greg Sargent wrote after MSNBC’s Maddow sideswiped Paul. “It comes, of course, at a time when the Tea Partiers are adamantly insisting their movement hasn’t been hijacked by intolerants and extremists. It comes as the GOP is trying to shake its image as a regional, culturally-backward party.”

In the enlightened state of New York the Voting Rights Act is now being used to accomplish what some liberals might consider culturally-forward to their “progressive” way of looking at things — allowing certain residents to vote more than once in order to fix the result of an election. Continue reading

Halliburton campaign donations spike

(Politico) – As Congress investigated its role in the doomed Deep Horizon oil rig, Halliburton donated $17,000 to candidates running for federal office, giving money to several lawmakers on committees that have launched inquiries into the massive spill.

The Texas-based oil giant’s political action committee made 14 contributions during the month of May, according to a federal campaign report filed Wednesday — 13 to Republicans and one to a Democrat. It was the busiest donation month for Halliburton’s PAC since September 2008.

Of the 10 current members of Congress who got money from Halliburton in May, seven are on committees with oversight of the oil spill and its aftermath.

Halliburton’s political contributions in May are the highest they’ve been since September 2009, when the PAC also gave $17,000 in donations. In fact, the last time the company gave more than $17,000 in one month was when it donated $25,000 during the heat of the presidential campaign in September 2008. Read entire article

BP Oil Volcano

(Freedom4um) – Oilpocalypse Now Take I

This is really the bottom line. We have an event in the Gulf which has now stretched on for more than 5 weeks which is emptying toxins into the ocean and the atmosphere at a cataclysmic rate. In looking at the problem I am trying to anticipate its likely effects and consequences.

Looking at the Gulf Oil catastrophe how does that affect the planetary system? Our oceans have been called the cradle of life and much of life on earth remains dependent on those oceans. If you disrupt the ocean system you disrupt, indirectly, life everywhere. The gushers have not yet been stoppered and there is currently no realistic prospect that they will be anytime soon. Read More Here

(DemocracyNow) – Video: Renowned Marine Biologist Carl Safina on the BP Oil Spill’s Ecological Impact on the Gulf Coast and Worldwide

As we continue our discussion on the BP oil spill, we turn to its long-term ecological impact. Carl Safina, the founding president of Blue Ocean Institute, warns the ecological fallout from the spill may be felt across much of the world. Video Link Here

(Muckety) – BP collects billions in U.S. government contracts – Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – BP Commands Government to Strangle Off Media Coverage of Oil Gusher

On Saturday, the Associated Press reported that the government is strangling off access to areas of the Gulf of Mexico impacted by what is now admitted to be the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
“The Associated Press, CBS and others have reported coverage problems because of the restrictions, which officials say are needed to protect wildlife and ensure safe air traffic,” the AP reported. “A CBS news story said one of its reporting teams was threatened with arrest by the Coast Guard and turned back from an oiled beach at the mouth of the Mississippi River.” Officials said the denial of access was under “BP rules.” Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – BP top kill method fails as cleanup workers are hospitalized from vapors

BP officials have announced today that the “top kill” effort to stop the Gulf oil leak has failed. Unanticipated problems doomed the project, which involved trying to pump tens of thousands of gallons of mud, shredded rubber tires and other “junk” into the hole to try to halt the outflow of oil. Read More Here

(EnviroWonk) – 10 Largest Oil Spills (The Valdez Doesn’t Make the List)

The Exxon Valdez, the tanker responsible for the worst oil spill in American history, has come back into the news this week, as the Supreme Court finally decides the price that Exxon will pay for ruining the fishing industry in Alaska. But it will likely surprise you to know that the Valdez spill was actually only the 34th largest oil spill in history. Read More Here

(IPSNews) – More Deepwater Disasters on the Horizon?

Despite a federal moratorium on offshore oil drilling, new permits and controversial environmental waivers for oil rigs continue to be granted, sparking criticism from policymakers and environmentalists. Read More Here

(WSWS) – More revelations point to criminality of BP, Transocean

New revelations continue to emerge demonstrating the criminal negligence of BP and rig owner and operator Transocean in the lead-up to the April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon. Read More Here

(Reuters) – BP fails to plug oil well with ‘top kill’

BP Plc (BP.L) said on Saturday the complex “top kill” maneuver to plug its Gulf of Mexico oil well has failed, crushing hopes for a quick end to the largest oil spill in U.S. history already in its 40th day. Read More Here

(RawStory) – Energy expert: Nuking oil leak ‘only thing we can do’

As the latest effort to plug the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico meets with failure, the idea of nuking the immediate area to seal the oil underground is gaining steam among some energy experts and researchers. Read More Here

Video: Corexit Is Killing The Gulf

Part 1 of 2

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MSM: Report: BP had 3 indications of trouble in hour before blast

(CNN) – BP had three indications of trouble aboard the doomed drill rig Deepwater Horizon in the hour before the April 20 explosion that sank the offshore platform, congressional investigators reported Tuesday.

Witnesses reported the well was spurting liquid and pressure tests indicated “a very large abnormality” was occurring aboard the rig, according to a memo released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday afternoon.

The memo summarizes preliminary findings of BP’s own investigation into the disaster, which left 11 workers dead and uncapped an undersea gusher that has spewed crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico for a month.

The well unexpectedly spouted fluid three times in the 51 minutes before the explosion and pressure on the drill pipe “unexpectedly increased” before the blast, the memo states. In addition, BP’s investigation “raised concerns about the maintenance history, modification, inspection, and testing” of blowout preventer, a critical piece of equipment that has failed to shut down the well. – Source: CNN

MSM: When the Oil Hits Land – 3 Bad-to-Worse Scenarios

(AOLNews) – As you read this, the sweet crude from the gulf oil spill that is engulfing the Chandeleur Islands, the crescent chain of mangroves and sand providing the last flimsy barrier protecting southeast Louisiana from the sea, will be moving relentlessly beyond them toward the mainland.

The slick is expected to get there later this week, according to federal forecasters. Should those projections hold, the world will then get an answer to a grim question: Just how severe will the damage be? Continue reading

Video: Predictive Programming? Gulf Oil Rig Explosion in “Knowing”

More than a few people have noted the Illuminati symbolism in the film “Knowing” starring Nicholas Cage (see a run-down here). But as the video below demonstrates, there may also be predictive programming in the film in regard to the recent oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico.

Coincidence? You decide. Continue reading

Oil Spill

(RawStory) – BP CEO: ‘It wasn’t our accident’ but we’ll clean spill; Liability waivers were ‘misstep’ – Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – BP warned of rig fault ten years ago

BP faces fresh questions over the cause of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill after it emerged that problems with the type of equipment that led to the disaster were first reported a decade ago. Read More Here

(AL) – Despite plan, not a single fire boom on hand on Gulf Coast at time of oil spill

A single fire boom being towed by two boats can burn up to 1,800 barrels of oil an hour, Bohleber said. That translates to 75,000 gallons an hour, raising the possibility that the spill could have been contained at the accident scene 100 miles from shore. Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Oceanographer “Cannot Think Of Any Scenario Where The Oil Doesn’t Eventually Reach The Florida Keys”

As I explained in detail yesterday, the oil spill may be carried by the “loop current” to Florida:
How could the oil get all the way from Louisiana to Florida, where the Gulf Stream flows?
As Discovery explains: Read More Here

(PressTV) – Iran offers to help contain US oil spill

The National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) has offered to assist the US in efforts to prevent an ecological disaster caused by the spreading oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Read More Here

(CBSNews) – Gulf Oil Slick Just Miles From Louisiana Coast Line

With shifting winds, hope is fading as the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is about to reach Louisiana’s coast. As Mark Strassmann tells us, many are preparing for the worst. Continue reading

Mother of all gushers could kill Earth’s oceans

(PESN) – Imagine a pipe 5 feet wide spewing crude oil like a fire hose from what could be the planets’ largest, high-pressure oil and gas reserve.  With the best technology available to man, the Deepwater Horizon rig popped a hole into that reserve and was overwhelmed.  If this isn’t contained, it could poison all the oceans of the world.

“Well if you say the fire hose has a 70,000 psi pump on the other end yes!  No comparison here.   The volume out rises geometrically with pressure.  Its a squares function. Two times the pressure is 4 times the push.   The Alaska pipeline is 4 feet in diameter and pushes with a lot less pressure.  This situation in the Gulf of Mexico is stunning dangerous.” — Paul Noel (May 2, 2010)

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MSM: Louisiana rig explosion – millions of gallons of oil spill into Gulf of Mexico

(Telegraph) – A blazing oil rig has collapsed into the Gulf of Mexico, sparking fears of an environmental disaster two days after a massive blast that left 11 workers missing. Continue reading

Climate Change: Leaders of the Rich World are Enacting a Giant Fraud

Every delegate to the Copenhagen summit is being greeted by the sight of a vast fake planet dominating the city’s central square. This swirling globe is covered with corporate logos – the Coke brand is stamped over Africa, while Carlsberg appears to own Asia, and McDonald’s announces “I’m loving it!” in great red letters above. “Welcome to Hopenhagen!” it cries. It is kept in the sky by endless blasts of hot air. Continue reading