Video: Violence In Video Games

Shocking similarities between violence in video games and actual war footage are undeniable. Is this a case of predictive programming? Are they shaping our perception to accept and furthermore proliferate violence. Yes we come from a violent past and the attempt at ‘realism’ is a component here. But there is a fine line between realism and glorification. And still the thinner line of mind control.

At the crossroads of civilization, where do we go from here? Do we continue with our government prescribed brainwashing? Do we continue to plug into these corrupt media nodes?

One thought on “Video: Violence In Video Games

  1. You know, the powers don’t want us to see all of this. They learned their lesson well from Vietnam being reported to the public. But frankly, this is NOTHING compared to what I saw from Vietnam when I was younger. Except for their voices. The men in Vietnam were frightened and horrified, and they would be crying and screaming when they were committing their “atrocities.” At least they didn’t think it was funny. And at least they were in real danger.

    But these murderers are actually enjoying their heinous crimes, laughing and smarting off about it. They are not afraid or worried about killing at all. It makes me sick to my stomach. War is supposed to be HELL for men to fight, so they won’t want to run back and do it again any time soon. And ANYONE who signs up to participate in these wars–even indirectly, as a cook or a chaplain–on countries who don’t even have STANDING ARMIES is a cowardly MURDERER–not a brave soldier, but a spineless pre-meditated murderer. Yes, soldiering should be a nasty business that involves risk of harm to oneself, But there is no risk here. Therefore, this is NOT war, but butchery.

    Disgusting “reality”; disgusting “games.” Games? No, folks, games are not SUPPOSED to be real, but only play, so why should these games be “realistic” anyway? The answer is simple: They are NOT games, but as they say, training in socio/psychopathic murder.

    Daily, I am ashamed to be American, nay, ashamed to be HUMAN–because this is not even about America anymore, but about global corporations that have loyalty or allegiance to no one, no thing, no principle, except PROFIT and DEATH–even being remotely related by genus and species to this scum makes me not want to be part of the human race. I’d rather be a flatworm if THIS is what being human is.

    Disgusting, and there is NO excuse, NO explanation, NO reason, NO nothing, to account for it.

    Yay! I can hardly wait until these brainwashed amoral creeps are back home and showing up in lines at the grocery store getting frustrated with some slow cashier at the A&P. To them, blowing off some old lady’s head will be NOTHING but a game. I can hardly wait for THIS to come home to roost.

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