MSM: How predictive texting takes its toll on a child’s brain

(DailyMail) – Predictive text messaging changes the way children’s brains work and makes them more likely to make mistakes generally, a study has found. Continue reading

Healthy Eating: Artificial food additives affect children’s behavior

Years of research finally supports what many parents already knew: Junk foods – loaded with artificial food dyes and preservatives – cause behavioral problems in children.

Research from a study of 297 children published in The Lancet found a significant number of children became more inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive when given a test drink with artificial additives. (The subjects were from the general population, not diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.) In England, where the study was conducted, people are calling for the additives to be banned from the food supply because the effects can lead to reading and other problems in school. Continue reading