Final Copenhagen Text Includes Global Transaction Tax

The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank, as President Obama prepares to bypass Congress by approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into globalist hands. Continue reading

Sprint Manager: ‘Half’ of all Police Surveillance Includes Text Messaging

(RawStory) – According to a graduate student’s research into the spying policies of major U.S. telecommunications companies, at a recent security conference a Sprint surveillance manager told a group of onlookers that half of all police requests include the target’s text messages. Continue reading

MSM: How predictive texting takes its toll on a child’s brain

(DailyMail) – Predictive text messaging changes the way children’s brains work and makes them more likely to make mistakes generally, a study has found. Continue reading