Using Local Organic Cooperatives to Defeat Globalists

(ActivistPost) – When I count from zero to five, you will become wide awake and feeling great; your vision will be clear, your consciousness will easily decode this illusory matrix, your humanity will return, and your fierce determination to be a free sovereign individual will be fully restored.

Zero…one…two…three…four…FIVE. Wakey, wakey, wide awake and feeling great!

Okay, you’re awake, back among the human tribe. Now what? Read More Here

Video: Food – The Ultimate Secret Exposed

(AlexJones&AaronDykes) – The grocery store, along with your kitchen sink, are two of the most dangerous places.

In a special video, Alex Jones addresses one of the darkest modes of power the globalists have used to control the population– food. The adulteration of the planet’s staple crops, genetically-altered species and intentionally-altered water, food and air all amount to a Eugenics operation to weaken the masses and achieve full spectrum domination. Continue reading

The “International Community” Pushes for “Global Coordination”

(C4L) – Never letting a good crisis go to waste, the sovereignty-hating globalists continue to argue that national governments should have less say in implementing domestic financial regulation and fiscal policy.

According to International Monetary Fund managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, “National oriented responses are not the way, since they risk creating economic conflicts.” The IMF publication goes on: Continue reading

Hispanic Anger Should Be Focused At Globalists

(Infowars) – Sure, Robert Rodriguez’ new Machete has it all; false flag terror, media sexpsychology, bigoted “progressive” racial stereotyping, and all sandwiched into the ratification of caste system violence in reaction to false populism. But should the Hispanic populations of the world focus their influence at the population of the US or at the globalists? Continue reading

Video: Overpopulation is a Myth

As the video below demonstrates, overpopulation is a myth. Globalists and their eugenic minions have misrepresented population statistics for decades in order to justify their agenda to wipe out large portions of the population. If this genocidal agenda continues, humanity will go the way of the Brontosaurus. Continue reading

Haiti Has Larger Oil Reserves Than Venezuela Say Scientists (An Olympic Pool Compared to a Glass of Water)

I have heard rumors that Haiti has vast oil reserves — and that the globalists want these reserves. However, the globalists cannot get the reserves, because the oil belongs to the Haitian people. So the globalists do not allow the Haitians to exploit the oil reserves, because it would allow the Haitian people to prosper. It would allow the Haitians to build proper infrastructure, so that 7.0 earthquakes do not have such a devastating effect. Continue reading

Will Globalists Trigger Yet Another World War?

(PakAlert) – World War III is the most iconic event in American culture that never happened. Since the early 1950’s, generations have been preparing for it, writing books about it, producing films and fictional accounts on it, and even playing video games based on it. The concept of another world war is so ingrained into our popular consciousness that it has become almost mythological. It is a legend, a fantasy story of something far away and incomprehensible, often associated with Tim Lahaye novels and action adventure narratives of religious prophecy and Armageddon. World War III has become “entertainment.” Continue reading

Be Part Of The Spiritual Renaissance of the 21st Century

Resistance to tyranny is spreading like wildfire all around us as the masses finally begin the long process of awakening to the agenda of the globalists that targets them for total domination and the elimination of all human freedom and dignity. Continue reading

Order of Magnitude: Globalists Want Obama to Increase Troop Numbers in Afghanistan

When it comes to escalating the brutal occupation of Afghanistan, Obama is no different than his predecessor and his warmongering neocon advisers. Last month Obama said he had not made an “immediate decision” on pouring troops into the country. And then word came down from the Pentagon indicating General McChrystal wants to escalate the conflict in a big way. Continue reading

Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty

The death knell for freedom has been tolling for some time, and only now are people starting to hear it. It started tolling faintly, decades back, and has slowly progressed in volume, until today its tolling is impossible to ignore. Continue reading

Flashback: Brookings Publication Mentions Possibility of ‘Horrific Provocation’ to Trigger Iran Invasion

In a recent policy paper published by the influential Brookings Institute, the authors propose almost anything to guarantee dominance of Persia by the new world order, including bribery, lying, cheating and mass murdering by an all-out military assault on Iran. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones on Coast to Coast – Flu Pandemic

(July 30, 2009) – 1st Hour: Forced Vaccinations – NORTHCOM – FEMA Continue reading

Question Authority: Always and Forever Hereafter

Human progress is furthered, not by conformity, but by aberration.
~ H.L. Mencken
For some time, I have been trying to figure out why the nation and we as individuals are in the fix we are in now. Many reasons manifest themselves. We labor under a government of such monstrous reach and epic incompetence that it makes the Soviets now look like a paragon of efficiency and probity. Continue reading

The New World Order: In their Own Words

In the wake of the last Bilderberg conference, we bare witness to a great darkening front closing in on us yet another few inches toward total world domination. The alert observers saw it coming for a long time; the thoroughly indoctrinated are only now beginning to sense that something is rotten in the state of Denmark. How could this have happened without us knowing? And where were the media during our collective comatose suspension? Continue reading

Obama Fills State Department With Globalists

With the nomination of Harold Hongju Koh, the Dean of Yale Law School, as the Legal Adviser for the State Department, President Barack Obama is putting a world government team in place under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Continue reading

DHS “Rightwing Extremism” Document Created During Bush Administration

The “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” document was produced during the Bush administration, as a quick check of the PDF document’s properties reveals. It was created on January 23, 2007. Continue reading

UN & IMF Back Agenda For Global Financial Dictatorship

Both the IMF and the United Nations have thrown their weight behind proposals to implement a new world reserve currency system to replace the dollar as part of the acceleration towards a global financial dictatorship, in the same week that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told CFR globalists that he was “open” to the idea.

Continue reading

Video: Officer Jack McLamb on The Alex Jones Show

Alex talks with Arizona’s most highly decorated lawman and radio talk show host, Jack McLamb. Continue reading