Flashback: Brookings Publication Mentions Possibility of ‘Horrific Provocation’ to Trigger Iran Invasion

In a recent policy paper published by the influential Brookings Institute, the authors propose almost anything to guarantee dominance of Persia by the new world order, including bribery, lying, cheating and mass murdering by an all-out military assault on Iran. Continue reading

The Decapitation of Pakistan by its own Military!

Who really killed Benazir Bhutto? I mean the prime-movers? Well let’s read it in her own lucid words, which have now been augmented, almost two years later, with the Pakistan’s Army Chief of Staff’s belated disclosures of September 21, 2009. Why belated? Continue reading

Mr. Iran envisions ‘major’ war in coming months

Amid lingering talks of war on Iran, Israel’s prime minister-designate raises the alarm about a major military conflict in the coming months. Continue reading

MSM: ‘Japan’s shooting down North Korean satellite would be act of war’

North Korea has put its military on high alert in response to joint military exercises being held by the US and South Korea. The North’s plans to launch a communications satellite is also raising tensions Continue reading

NKorea orders military to be combat ready: state media

North Korea has ordered its military to be combat ready, state media said early Monday, ahead of joint US-South Korean maneuvers that Pyongyang has described as a prelude to war. Continue reading

Israel on the verge of war with Syria

A senior Israeli official has warned that Tel Aviv is on the verge of a military confrontation with Syria should peace efforts fail.

“We’re on a collision course with Syria,” said Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, who heads the Defense Ministry’s Diplomatic-Security Bureau. Continue reading

Video: The Reality Of FEMA Camps And The Martial Law Apparatus

There is no doubt that the government is preparing a nationwide system of detention facilities under the guise of emergency management that could be used to house large quantities of Americans during a time of civil strife. Many think that it is a conspiracy theory, but it is not. It is a fact that the federal government has many facilities right now that can be used to house large numbers of political dissidents if the need arises. During World War II, the U.S. government through an executive order by FDR forced many Japanese-Americans to move into internment camps. Continue reading

Will North Korea launch a war?

North Korea appears to be preparing to test-launch its longest range ballistic missile, media reports said on Tuesday, just days after Pyongyang warned that the Korean peninsula was on the brink of war. Continue reading

US warships to steel Israel for new war

Israel is set on the road to expand its naval fleet with advanced US warships amid speculation that it plans to take out Iran after Gaza. Continue reading

MSM: US-China currency war eclipses Davos, and threatens the world

Turning a corner in the labyrinthine corridors of the Davos nerve-centre, I ran smack into Chinese premier Wen Jiabao – followed by a regiment of retainers and senior offices in full regalia. Continue reading

MSM: Israeli envoy to Australia – Gaza op a ‘pre-introduction’ to attack on Iran

The Gaza operation was merely a “pre-introduction” to the challenge Israel would face from Iran, which will become a nuclear power within a year, the Israeli ambassador to Australia said Sunday. Continue reading

Israel Asserting Middle East Supremacy: From Gaza to Tehran


Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany bombed, invaded and annexed countries and territories as a prelude to their quest for World Empire. Israel’s drive for regional dominance has followed in their footsteps, imitating their style: Indiscriminate aerial bombings of civilian and military facilities, a savage blitzkrieg led by armored vehicles, disdain and repudiation of all criticism from international agencies was accompanied by an open, military buildup for a new and bigger war against Iran. Like the Nazi leadership, who played on the ‘Bolshevik threat’, the Israeli high command has set in motion a vast world-wide propaganda campaign led by its world Zionist network, raising the specter of ‘Islamic terror’ to justify its preparations for a military assault on seventy-four million Iranians. Continue reading

Control Of the World’s Oceans. Prelude To War?

In of the most monumental and sweeping, though frequently overlooked, efforts by the former Bush administration to project worldwide military dominance and in so doing further vitiate international relations is what its initiator, John Bolton, in his capacity of Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security at the time called the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI).

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