MSM: KGB man – MI5 agent told me that David Kelly had been ‘exterminated’

(UKDailyMail) – The mystery over the death of David Kelly took a further twist last night after a former KGB officer said he had evidence that the scientist did not commit suicide.

Boris Karpichkov, who worked as a Russian spy for 15 years before fleeing to Britain, has sent a dossier to Attorney General Dominic Grieve in which he claims to relay information from an ‘MI5 agent’ that Dr Kelly had been ‘exterminated’.

His move comes amid increasing calls from within the Coalition Government for a full, independent investigation into Dr Kelly’s death. Mr Grieve has indicated that he is ‘concerned’ by the growing scepticism among experts about the official version of events.

Dr Kelly was found dead in woods near his Oxfordshire home in July 2003, after the Government exposed him as the source of a BBC report questioning Tony Blair’s case for war in Iraq. Full article here

MSM: Superspy in the sky could soon be patrolling over British cities to search for hidden terror cells

(DailyMail) – A Top-secret US unmanned drone used to locate Al Qaeda and Taliban hideouts in Pakistan and Afghanistan could soon be patrolling over British cities to search for hidden terror cells.

The controversial move would allow MI5 and GCHQ, the Government’s eavesdropping centre, to step up surveillance operations over the UK. Until now, the £23million Global Hawk aircraft has not been available for foreign sale. Continue reading

MSM: China bugs and burgles Britain

(TimesOnline) – The security service MI5 has accused China of bugging and burgling UK business executives and setting up “honeytraps” in a bid to blackmail them into betraying sensitive commercial secrets. Continue reading

MSM: MI5 told US about Detroit bomber’s terror links ‘a year ago’

(Telegraph) – Britain told American intelligence agents more than a year ago that the Detroit bomber had links to extremists, according to Downing Street. Continue reading

MSM: MI5 Money Got Mussolini Started in Politics

(Guardian) – History remembers Benito Mussolini as a founder member of the original Axis of Evil, the Italian dictator who ruled his country with fear and forged a disastrous alliance with Nazi Germany. But a previously unknown area of Il Duce’s CV has come to light: his brief career as a British agent. Continue reading

MSM: US launches review of terror warning system

(AFP) — The United States on Tuesday announced a review of its often-criticized terror alert system created in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Continue reading

MSM: Iranian envoy – CIA involved in Neda’s shooting?

(CNN) – The United States may have been behind the killing of Neda Agha-Soltan, the 26-year-old Iranian woman whose fatal videotaped shooting Saturday made her a symbol of opposition to the June 12 presidential election results, the country’s ambassador to Mexico said Thursday. Continue reading

MSM: “If I didn’t confess to 7/7 bombings MI5 officers would rape my wife”

(DailyMail) – A British man spoke publicly for the first time yesterday to accuse MI5 officers of forcing him to confess to masterminding the July 7 bombings. Continue reading

Predictive Programming 2.0: Operation Blackjack

In January of this year the London Telegraph began featuring several graphics under the name operation blackjack. The images themselves are artistically inferior, depicting major ‘terrorist’ attacks both in Europe and the continental United States. But the artistry- or lack of it- is less interesting than the intent. Continue reading

MSM: David Miliband wants interrogation policy kept secret

(Guardian) – The foreign secretary, David Miliband, told MPs today that he will not allow the public to see the secret interrogation policy that is at the heart of allegations that MI5 has been colluding in the torture of British citizens. Continue reading

Western military forces turning inward in anticipation of domestic unrest

As the growing world-wide economic crisis deepens, military forces from Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom are preparing to meet angry citizens on the street. The economic crisis – and the public outrage it is causing – is at the forefront of intelligence agencies and military forces in the western world. Continue reading

MSM: Ex-spy chief Dame Stella Rimington says ministers have turned UK into police state

Dame Stella Rimington, the former head of MI5, has accused the Government of exploiting people’s fear of terrorism to restrict civil rights. Continue reading

It is time to resist

David Omand’s national security strategy report shows us we have a very short time to save society from tyranny. Continue reading

MSM: Spy chief – We risk a police state

Dame Stella Rimington, the former head of MI5, has warned that the fear of terrorism is being exploited by the Government to erode civil liberties and risks creating a police state. Continue reading