Video: Fox News Comes Out of the Closet

(MSNBC) – Fox News finally made it official. They are part and parcel of the Republican Party. They are now the largest donors to the Republican Governors Association, having given them $1 million dollars. They also employ three out of the top four Republicans in the Iowa Caucus Poll for GOP presidential candidates.

As I explain here, now that Fox News has come out of the closet, it’s hard to distinguish where Fox News ends and the Republican Party begins: Continue reading

Florida GOP candidate urges internment camps for undocumented immigrants

(RawStory) – A Republican state house candidate from northern Florida is standing by her proposal to build internment camps for undocumented immigrants that would “collect enough illegal aliens until you have enough to ship them back.”

Marg Baker, who’s one of three GOP candidates running for the nomination for Florida’s 48th district, made the announcement earlier this month at a meeting of the 9-12 Project, Glenn Beck’s political activist group.

“We can follow what happened back in the ’40s or ’50s [when] I was just a little girl in Miami and they built camps for the people that snuck into the country,” Baker said.

“Because they were illegal, they put them in the camps and they shipped them back,” Baker said, to applause.

Her pronouncement “stunned” the district’s Republican incumbent, Peter Nehr. Full article here

Video: Judge Napolitano – Immigration Won’t be Fixed Because ‘GOP wants cheap labor and Dems want easy votes’

(Fox) – Judge Andrew Napolitano clearly explains the Constitutional problems with the Arizona immigration law. As emotions run high at the lack of Federal action on the border, Napolitano strips out any emotional rhetoric and sticks to the Constitution. Continue reading

Video: Democrat Propaganda Demonizes Tea Party Through Association With Establishment

(SteveWatson) – Democrat leaders have finally realised that anti-establishment sentiment is the driving force behind the Tea Party movement, announcing a plan to demonize it via a national campaign to associate the GOP and the Tea Party as one and the same. Continue reading

Video: Reality Report – Maine GOP Adopts Revolutionary Platform – NEWS FLASH

In this News Alert, Gary sums up the new platform the Maine GOP is taking. It is strong in language and greatly supports following the Constitution.Read the entire platform here:…Continue reading

MSM: Climate change bill to be unveiled without key GOP supporter

(CNN) – Sens. John Kerry and Joe Lieberman announced Friday that they will unveil long-planned climate change legislation Wednesday, but they’ll move forward without support from a key Republican they’ve worked with for months.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, indicated that he’s not on board with Kerry and Lieberman’s bill. Graham said he believes that the legislation, which includes an expansion of offshore drilling, won’t garner enough votes because of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

“When it comes to getting 60 votes for legislation that includes additional oil and gas drilling with revenue sharing, the climb has gotten steeper because of the oil spill,” the GOP senator said in a news release.

“I believe there could be more than 60 votes for this bipartisan concept in the future,” Graham added. “But there are not nearly 60 votes today and I do not see them materializing until we deal with the uncertainty of the immigration debate and the consequences of the oil spill.” Full article here

Cut the Partisan Crap … BOTH the Private Sector AND the Government are to Blame for the Financial Crisis

(WashingtonsBlog) – Partisan GOP hacks say the financial crisis was caused by too much regulation, and government interference in the markets.

But Glass-Steagall was repealed, derivatives were left unregulated, and the regulators were watching porn instead of preventing fraud. Giant banks, hedge funds and other fat cat private players knowingly gamed the market and committed fraud in more ways than can be listed in a single post. Continue reading

The GOP’s “small government” tea party fraud

(Salon) – There’s a major political fraud underway:  the GOP is once again donning their libertarian, limited-government masks in order to re-invent itself and, more important, to co-opt the energy and passion of the Ron-Paul-faction that spawned and sustains the ”tea party” movement.  The Party that spat contempt at Paul during the Bush years and was diametrically opposed to most of his platform now pretends to share his views. Continue reading

Texan Medina questions any US role in 9/11 attacks

(WWLTV) – Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina says she has questions about whether the U.S. government was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Continue reading

Video: Warning – NeoCon Palin’s tea party takeover will facilitate Obama reelection

In an urgent message on the systematic betrayal of the tea party, Alex Jones warns against the turncoats and deceivers flocking from the weakened GOP and FOX News wings to harness the populist uprising that briefly found life outside of the traditional two-party system. Continue reading

Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn’t Cause Global Warming

A noted geologist who coauthored the New York Times bestseller Sugar Busters has turned his attention to convincing Congress that carbon dioxide emissions are good for the Earth and don’t cause global warming. Leighton Steward is on Capitol Hill this week armed with studies and his book Fire, Ice and Paradise in a bid to show senators working on the energy bill Continue reading

2 GOP-Appointed Judges Shame America

The federal Appeals Court decision to toss a lawsuit claiming contractors tortured detainees in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison is what you’d expect from a tyranny. Continue reading

Obama sets stage for using budget maneuver to pass health reform

(TheHill) – President Barack Obama this week has been laying the foundation for Senate Democrats to use a controversial budget maneuver to pass healthcare reform. Continue reading

Obama Website Calls Opponents “Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists”

Bobby Eberle, writing for GOP USA, is alarmed by the latest Obama political tactic — characterizing all who would oppose Obamacare as rightwing extremists. Eberle points to a post dated the first of September on the Heritage Foundation website. Continue reading

MSM: Iranian envoy – CIA involved in Neda’s shooting?

(CNN) – The United States may have been behind the killing of Neda Agha-Soltan, the 26-year-old Iranian woman whose fatal videotaped shooting Saturday made her a symbol of opposition to the June 12 presidential election results, the country’s ambassador to Mexico said Thursday. Continue reading

$100 Billion Bailout For IMF Tagged On To War Funding Bill

Passage would see more billions in tax dollars handed to European banks

Democrats in Congress have agreed to provide a $100 billion credit line to the International Monetary Fund, tagging it onto the war supplemental intended for operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. Continue reading

MSM: Dodd facing fresh political firestorm – Video Link

Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) looks like he may be facing a fresh political firestorm.

Dodd just admitted on CNN that he inserted a loophole in the stimulus legislation that allowed million-dollar bonuses to insurance giant AIG to go forward – after previously denying any involvement in writing the controversial provision. . Continue reading

Bush Signs Most Draconian Gun Law in U.S. History

President Bush Signs H.R. 660, H.R. 3690, S. 863, and H.R. 2640 :

H.R. 2640, the “NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007,” which requires accurate information on individuals prohibited from possessing firearms to be transmitted by State and local government and Federal agencies to the Justice Department-administered National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS); and provides incentives for facilitating electronic transmission of such information to NICS. Continue reading