Video: Fox News Comes Out of the Closet

(MSNBC) – Fox News finally made it official. They are part and parcel of the Republican Party. They are now the largest donors to the Republican Governors Association, having given them $1 million dollars. They also employ three out of the top four Republicans in the Iowa Caucus Poll for GOP presidential candidates.

As I explain here, now that Fox News has come out of the closet, it’s hard to distinguish where Fox News ends and the Republican Party begins: Continue reading

10 Of The Most Crooked Candidates Of 2010

(Alternet) – Since 2005, the Watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has highlighted the most egregious violators of the public trust in its annual Most Corrupt Members of Congress report. Now, CREW has begun a list of Crooked Candidates to shine the spotlight on some of the lousy politicians vying for federal office in 2010. Here’s their collection of non-incumbent candidates so far: Read More Here

Viguerie: Forget Third Parties, Vote for “Principled” Establishment Candidates

(KurtNimmo) – Let’s face it. A large number of “conservatives,” in actuality neocons, are mind-numbed ciphers for the establishment Republican Borg collective. This fact was underscored earlier in the week when a poll sponsored by Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of, hit the bricks. Continue reading

MSM: 9 Vt. State Office Candidates Favor Secession

(NYTimes) – Several Vermont political candidates want their state to call it quits with America.
In what organizers call the first statewide slate of pro-secession candidates, nine people under the Vermont Independence Day banner are planning to run for governor, lieutenant governor and seven seats in the state Senate. Continue reading

Video: The CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo

Colin A. Ross CCHRI Friday, September 4, 2009 Continue reading

What Actually Happened in the Iranian Presidential Election?

Since the June 12 Iranian presidential elections, Iran “experts” have mushroomed like bacteria in a Petri dish. So here is a quiz for all those instant experts. Which major country has elected more presidents than any in the world since 1980? Further, which nation is the only one that held ten presidential elections within thirty years of its revolution? Continue reading