Video: Democracy Now – “Our President Is Deceiving the American Public”

Pentagon Papers Whistleblower on President Obama and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We are joined by a man who played a major role in efforts to end the Vietnam War in the 1970s. In 1971, the then-RAND Corporation analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked to the media what became known as the Pentagon Papers, a 7,000-page classified history outlining the true extent of US involvement in Vietnam. After avoiding a life sentence on espionage charges, Daniel Ellsberg has continued to speak out against US militarism until the present day – Video Link Here

Obama tops Bush in troop buildup

The combined US troop deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have now reached a higher level than existed at any time under the presidency of George W. Bush. This surge past the record set by its predecessor marks another grim milestone in the Obama administration’s escalation of American militarism. Continue reading

Obama seeks to institutionalize indefinite detention

Press reports have revealed that the Obama administration is considering the creation of a prison and court complex on US soil to process and hold current and future terrorist suspects. It would include a facility to indefinitely detain people held without trial or any other constitutionally mandated due process rights. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – House Floor – 6-4-09

(CSPAN) – No End To Secret Prisons!? Ignoring Habeas Corpus!? No Penalty For Torture!? Continue reading

Diplomacy, Militarism and Imagery

President Obama’s greatest foreign policy successes are found in the reports of the mass media. His greatest failures go unreported, but are of great consequence. A survey of the major foreign policy priorities of the White House reveals a continuous series of major setbacks, which call into question the principal objectives and methods pursued by the Obama regime. Continue reading

The militarization of Education: Marine High School to Open in Atlanta

Earlier this week, residents of Atlanta, Georgia, voiced opposition to a military high school in DeKalb County. The DeKalb Marine Corps Institute is scheduled to start classes in August at the Heritage Center off Briarcliff Road in north DeKalb, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. It will be funded with public money. Continue reading

Memo To Obama: Nationalize the Banks; End the wars of aggression; Fire Your Advisors.

Social action begins with concerns, which may include anger or outrage at injustice. But effective strategy must also take account of the power, positions, and possibilities of the various social forces and social classes involved. A number of such factors must be considered when mobilizing around the interests of ordinary people during the emerging world economic crisis.

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Zionism, Militarism, and the Decline of US Power – Review of James Petras’ book

James Petras is Binghamton University Professor Emeritus of Sociology. His credentials and achievements are long and impressive as a noted academic figure on the left. A well-respected Latin American expert, and a longtime chronicler of the region’s popular struggles.

He’s also a prolific author of hundreds of articles and dozens of books, including his latest titled “Zionism, Militarism, and the Decline of US Power” and subject of this review. It follows from his earlier 2006 book: “The Power of Israel in the United States” that documented the Israeli Lobby’s enormous influence over US Middle East policy and its destructive effects. Continue reading

Militarism and a Uni-polar World

When American media discuss globalism, they rarely mention that the Trilateral Commission sets most global economic goals, primary among them being the creation of a one-world system of trade. It is basically a form of fascism in which global corporations and their elite CEOs determine the policies and direction of world governments. Continue reading